“It’s beautiful. What does it open?”

“I’ll show you tomorrow. It’s a surprise.”

“When do you leave the island?” Liam speaks up.

“We leave in two days.” Landon takes a sip of his wine, his focus on the chancellor. “I have one final announcement. I’ve chosen someone as a proxy for the House of Gemini. He has my full, unrestricted permission to spend time with the queen, regardless of my presence in the tower.”

Liam’s mouth takes on a displeased line. “Who?”

Now it’s Sebastian’s turn to speak. “That would be me.”

“This is absurd,” the chancellor says through clenched teeth.

“This is what I want.” Landon arches a challenging brow. “No one besides Sebastian has my permission to touch the queen. On this, you will not sway me.”

Liam stands, his hands balled at his sides as he passes a glowering gaze between Landon and his rival. Sebastian is the epitome of passion, but Liam Castle doesn’t have that thick, coppery hair for nothing.

“You can’t just hand her off to someone else for the whole month. That isn’t fair to any of us.”

“I’m not handing her off. She’ll remain in the House of Gemini, but Sebastian will have free access to her at his discretion.”

“Essentially giving him double the time with the queen.” Outrage drips from Liam’s words.

“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t jump at the same opportunity, Chancellor.” Landon also rises, and the two of them face off across the table. “Or did you already forget about the deal you made with Heath last month?”

I don’t understand why, but Landon’s reminder makes Liam back down a degree.

“I didn’t forget.” He flicks an irritated glance at Sebastian. “But he’s been unnecessarily rude and obnoxious to Novalee.”

Landon laughs. “Most of us are guilty of that. Sebastian is my choice, and I won’t discuss this any further. It’s my month, so my word is law.”

“I’ve lost my appetite.” Liam storms out of the dining room, leaving a table full of stunned expressions in his wake.

Because the chancellor isn’t one to lose his cool, but Sebastian getting his hands on me just sent him over the edge.

Chapter Six

“You won’t give me a hint?” I needle Landon the following afternoon as he leads me down the same hallway as Sebastian’s art studio. Whatever his surprise is, I worry it involves his lifelong friend. Instead of stopping at Sebastian’s public place of artistry, we continue down the hall.

Landon stops at the last door on the left. “Unlock it.”

Withdrawing the key he gave me, I stick it in the lock and turn, and when the door swings open, my jaw drops. It’s a large room with an open space concept. Several work stations take up one end while a comfortable seating area and a minibar fill the other. Mannequins and sewing machines line opposite walls, and I realize I’m looking at a fashion design studio.

“Oh, my God,” I whisper, crossing the threshold. “You did all of this…for me?”

“I wanted you to have your own space here.” Landon waves a hand, encompassing the high windows that allow natural light to spill inside. “There might be some months in which you’re forbidden from working in here, but after the auction concludes, you’ll have free use of this room.”

“It’s…wow.” I can’t find the words to express how grateful and inspired I am by his thoughtful generosity.

“Faye showed me some of your work. It was fantastic. I want you to follow your dreams, so I’ve hired a team to come in and help. Whatever supplies you need, all you have to do is say the word.”

“I’m not sure where to start. Sketching designs has always been a hobby.”

“You’ll learn. Your team will guide you, and I’ve got contacts interested in made-to-measure couture. In fact, some of them will be at the ball in three weeks, so your first project should be your dress for the occasion. This is your chance to show off your talent, Novalee.”

“I don’t know…what to s-say,” I stammer, voice choked with emotion.

“You don’t have to say anything. You’re my family.” He sets his hands on my shoulders. “Once your designs gain momentum, we’ll talk about opening an exclusive shop on the island. But it all starts here.” His gaze bores into me. “Are you ready to work your ass off to make it happen?”

“I’m ready.”

“I thought you might be.” His lips tilt up in a carefree smile. “I’m hoping you’ll be ready for the Fashion Festival in Los Angeles this November. I’ve already cleared it with Tatum.”

“Tatum is from…?” I cycle through the faces stored in my memory, trying to recall the two men whose zodiac signs overlap in November.

“The House of Sagittarius. He’s also a pilot. Tatum agreed to fly you there during his month, if you’re prepared by then.”

Happiness floods my system, bubbling in my chest before erupting into a smile on my face. Before I give it a second thought, I wrap my arms around him. “Thank you.”