His lips instantly curve up, and it makes a weird sense of relief wash through me. Almost like a cleansing rain, shedding the last of my old skin – of the woman I used to me.

Josh holds the bottle to my lips, and I greedily drink as much as he allows.

If I give in, maybe he won’t hurt me anymore.

My stomach churns, and I take a couple of deep breaths so I don’t bring up the food and water before I whisper, “I’m sorry I betrayed you.”

I close my eyes as the words rip away at the last of me.

The Dash who had dreams.

The Dash who thought she deserved a man like Christopher.

The Dash who thought she was worth being loved. Entitled to it even.

When I open my eyes again, Josh seems so happy. It makes intense relief spread through me.

“Now that wasn’t so hard,” he croons as he leans forward, brushing some hair away from my face. I find myself leaning into the tender touch. His fingers curl around my chin, and he nudges my face up. “Now tell me you love me.”

A sob builds in my chest as the words drift over my lips. “I love you.”

Josh’s smile grows wide, and then he leans into me, pressing a kiss to my lips. When he pulls back, he says, “You have an important call to make.”

A call?

“To who?” the words burst from me.

“Christopher. You need to tell him you love me,” he says, his lips curling into a victorious sneer. “I want him to know I won. Can you believe he thought you loved him? I mean, what the fuck? It’s hilarious, right?” He begins to laugh. There’s a weird tug of war inside me. While I’m instantly filled with hope that the call will help Christopher find me, I’m scared to death of saying anything wrong – anything that might upset Josh.

Nodding, I whisper, “It’s preposterous.”

Josh pulls a phone out of his pocket. When I lift my hand to reach for it, he shakes his head. “The call will be on speakerphone. I want to hear every word.”

I nod quickly, not wanting to lose my one chance of hearing Christopher’s voice again.

I feel almost feverish with hope and fear as I watch Josh dial the number. When it begins to ring, overwhelming emotion pushes up my throat.

“Christopher Hayes,” he answers, his voice filled with something I’ve never heard before. It’s almost as if he’s struggling to remain calm.

It sends emotion washing through me, and I struggle to say, “It’s… Dash.” My voice sounds hoarse from the intense feelings flooding me.

“Dash!” Christopher’s voice sharpens, and it sounds like he’s moving. “Are you okay? Where are you?”

“Shut up and listen,” Josh growls, then he looks at me and nods. “Tell him.”

My throat closes up as I squeeze the words out. “I’m with Josh.” I close my eyes. “I love him.”

“You hear that, Hayes?” Josh gloats. “I won. She loves me.”

“I hear you,” Christopher bites the words out. “How does it feel to beat me?”

“It’s been a long time coming,” Josh sneers. “You never stood a chance.”

“I didn’t.” Hearing the deceptive calm note in Christopher’s voice confuses me.

Is he playing for time, or doesn’t he care?

God, maybe he just doesn’t care. Maybe Josh was right.

My mind struggles to accept it.

“I’m sorry, Christopher,” I say, my voice tight with panic. “It’s been Josh all along. He went through so much trouble, hiring a private detective to keep an eye on me.” Leaning over, I place my hand on Josh’s thigh. I even manage to force a quivering smile around my lips as I lock eyes with him, as I say, “I love him with all my heart.”

“I understand,” Christopher says, his voice gentler. “I understand, Dash.”

Josh lets out a chuckle. “And you thought you could beat me. Want to know what Dash had to say about that?”

“Yes,” Christopher grinds the word out as if he’s irritated.

Josh lifts an eyebrow at me, and it has me saying, “It’s preposterous.”

“You hear that, Hayes?” Josh laughs.

“Every word,” Christopher grumbles. Then he adds, “I’m on my way… to an important meeting.”

Goosebumps spread over my body.

Is he saying he’s on his way right now? To me? Did he find out where I am?

Oh, God. Please. Please. Please.

But then my eyes meet Josh’s, and the meager hope dwindles away.

Maybe Christopher is just on his way to a meeting?

A lump forms in my throat as chaos erupts in my chest. Hope wars with disappointment, making me feel dizzy.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Josh asks me as his finger moves to the screen to cut the call.

Panic crashes through me like a wrecking ball and losing control, I grab the phone from his hand. I rush to get everything out, “I’m in a cabin. Don’t leave me here. Please. I love you. Tell my parents I love them.”