“Thanks, Mom,” I say, the words rolling comfortably off my tongue.

“Aww… my heart. See you in a couple of hours.”

I end the call, then Christopher asks, “Your mom?”

My head snaps up. “No, yours.”

He tilts his head, a smile curving his lips. “She must’ve loved hearing you call her mom.”

Letting out a burst of soft laughter, I nod. “I’m meeting her for lunch. There’s a boutique she wants to show me.”

“Taking my car?” he asks, knowing mine is at home.

“You don’t mind, right?”

“Of course not.”

Danny comes out of her office and heads straight for mine. Leaning into the doorway, she asks, “Do you have time to type up a promotion letter for Dorris?”

“Sure, I’ll get right on it,” I say.

“And will you make sure Ryker actually employes a new PA? He’s bound to forget.”

“I’ll give him the short list of candidates I had to look through.”

“Good idea.” She begins to turn away. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I call after her.

I open the document I’ll need on my computer, and when Christopher keeps standing by his door, I ask, “Was there something you needed?”

He shakes his head. “I’m just looking at you.”

Chuckling, I say, “I can’t work with you staring at me, and I’m pretty sure you have business to take care of.”

“Slave driver,” he grumbles as he heads back into his office.

I draw up the promotion letter, and after printing it out, I put it in a folder, along with the shortlist of candidates. Getting up, I head down to Ryker’s floor, and grinning at Dorris, I ask, “Is he available?”

“He’s always available,” she mutters, winking at me.

Walking into Ryker’s office, I shut the door behind me so we’ll have privacy. I place the folder down right in front of him. “You need to sign Dorris’ promotion letter, and I have a shortlist in there for PA’s to look at.”

“God, I forgot about that,” he admits, as he opens the folder. He scribbles his signature on the document, then glances over the list.”

Walking around his desk, I take an envelope from his second drawer and neatly folding the letter, I tuck it inside. Holding out to him, I say, “Give it to Dorris. I want to see her reaction.”

“Damn, I don’t know who’s bossier between you and Danny,” he grumbles as he rises to his feet.

Taking the envelope from me, he presses the button for Dorris’ extension.

“Yes, Ryker?”

“Come in for a minute.”

I move to the side, and I’m unable to keep from grinning when she walks into the office. “What do you need?”

Ryker rises to his feet, and walking around his desk, he holds the shortlist out to her. “I need you to find me a new PA.”

A frown instantly settles on Dorris’ face. “A PA? Why? Where am I going?”

He hands her the envelope, and her eyes dart to me before she opens it. When she reads over the words, she lifts a hand to cover her mouth. “Is this for real?”

“You deserve it,” Ryker says, and then he has to brace himself as Dorris yanks him into a hug.

Walking to them, I place my hand on her back. “Congrats, Dorris.”

She pulls back, wiping a tear from her cheek. “You’re so good to my family and me. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” Leaving Ryker and Dorris to talk, I head back to my own office so I can get my handbag.

I pop into Christopher’s office, and walking to where he’s sitting, I say, “I’m heading out for lunch.”

Rising to his feet, he hands me the car key before wrapping his arms around me. There’s a loving look in his eyes as he says, “Drive safely and enjoy it.”

“I will. Can I bring you anything to eat, or will you order in?” I ask.

“I’ll order in.” He leans down to capture my lips.

When he begins to pull back, I stand on my toes to deepen the kiss, and it has him grinning against my mouth.

Breaking the kiss, I whisper, “I love you.”

His eyes drift over my face. “Love you most.”


With Danny and Ryker traveling to Africa in four months, I’ve been looking at companies there that might strengthen our foothold once we branch out.

There’s an eCommerce company in South Africa that looks pretty stable.

My phone begins to ring, and when I see Mom’s name flashing on the screen, I answer, “Hi?”

“Hi, is Dash still at the office?”

My eyes instantly go to the time on my computer, and seeing it’s already one-thirty, I say, “She left quarter to one. Isn’t she there?”

“No, and I’ve tried her phone, but it keeps going to voicemail,” Mom says, worry creeping into her voice.

“Let me try. I’ll call you back,” I say, and cutting the call, I dial Dash’s number. It keeps ringing, and when it goes unanswered, I try again.

As the seconds tick by, my worry begins to grow, and getting up, I walk to Danny’s office. “I need your car.”