“Hi,” Dash whispers, her face pale. Her grip on my hand tightens.

“How have you been?” he asks her.

Dash is still stunned from running into him, so I answer for her. “We’re well.” Wanting to bring the fucker down a notch, I add, “We’re actually celebrating our engagement.”

His features harden as his eyes snap to Dash’s left hand, then he mutters, “I always knew it was only a matter of time.”

Letting go of Dash’s hand, I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pin her to my side. “We’re heading home. Enjoy your meal.”

I steer her down the sidewalk, and when we reach the car, she turns her body into mine, bringing her arms up between us. I wrap her against me, knowing all she needs now is to feel safe. I press a kiss to the side of her head and leaning down, I whisper, “I love you.”

Dash lifts her head, and then her lips are on mine. She pushes her arms around my neck as she deepens the kiss. Unlike the night before, where she was tentative, she doesn’t hold back. She instantly ignites a fire inside me as her tongue brushes against mine.

Taking control of the kiss, my teeth tug at her lips as a possessive growl builds in my chest.

When the kiss finally ends, Dash smiles against my lips. “I love you.” She pulls back until our eyes meet. “Thank you for handling Josh.”

“I’ll always protect you,” I murmur.

She presses another kiss to my mouth before her eyes lock on mine again. “I had my worries about us, but after tonight I’m hundred percent certain I want to marry you.” Her gaze is filled with emotion as she whispers, “I want to have your children and build a life with you.”

My lips curve up as I take in how beautiful she looks right now, and then I murmur, “My Dash.”

Chapter 9


I’m so excited to share the news with our parents, I’m a second away from bouncing in the seat as Christopher pulls the car up to my parents’ house.

Wanting to surprise them, I only said we were coming over for coffee.

We climb out of the car, and I grin up at Christopher as he takes hold of my hand. Using my key, I let us into the house, then call out, “Mom. Dad.”

“Kitchen,” Mom answers.

The instant we walk inside the kitchen, I can’t keep it in anymore, and I lift my left hand for my parents to see. “We’re engaged!”

Mom’s the first one up from where they’re sitting at the table, having breakfast.

“Oh my God. Let me see.” Mom takes hold of my hand, and then a happy smile spreads over her face. “I was hoping this day would come.” She hugs me, then moves to Christopher, and when she wraps her arms around him, she says, “Finally, I get you as a son-in-law.”

Dad takes hold of my left hand, and I watch as emotion washes over his features. His eyes lock on mine, and seeing how happy he is for me, makes me feel overwhelmed. I throw my arms around his neck, and when Dad holds me tightly, I struggle to keep the tears back.

“I’m so happy for you,” he murmurs. “You chose a good man.”

When I pull back, I smile at Dad as I swipe a single tear away from the corner of my eyes. “Just like my dad.”

Dad and Christopher shake hands, but then Dad tugs him into a hug. Patting his back twice, Dad says, “I’m glad you’ll be the one taking care of my little girl.”

As Christopher pulls back, he says, “I’ll do my best to always make her happy, Uncle Jax.”

“We’re going to have to upgrade that to Dad,” my father jokes.

“I’d be honored,” Christopher replies, a grin tugging at his lips.

“Come sit. Have you had breakfast yet?” Mom asks.

“No, Dash wanted to come over as soon as possible,” Christopher explains.

While I make us each a cup of coffee, Christopher sits down next to Dad.

“When’s the wedding?” Mom asks as she begins to load bacon and eggs onto his plate.

Christopher glances at me. “We haven’t decided on a specific date yet, but as soon as Dash can get everything arranged.”

Mom glances at me. “You always wanted a spring wedding.”

“Yeah, and six months should be enough to plan the wedding,” I answer.

“March? April?” Mom asks.

“When’s Easter?” I ask.

Mom thinks for a moment. “April.”

“Then we can set a date for March,” I mention.

Carrying the coffee to the table, I sit down next to Mom and hand Christopher his cup. Meeting his eyes, I say, “You can pick the date.”

Christopher pulls his phone out and scrolls through the calendar. “The twelfth.”

Mom takes hold of my right hand, giving it a squeeze. “March twelfth, our baby’s getting married.”

She turns her gaze to Christopher again. “You have no idea how glad I am it’s you she’s marrying.”