“Christopher,” I hear Alexei’s thick Russian accent behind me.

Talk about the devil.

Turning to greet the most intimidating man I’ve ever met and Tristan’s best friend, the corner of my mouth lifts into a smile. “Alexei.” As we shake hands, I say, “It’s great seeing you again. I trust you’ve been well?”

“Yes, business is good, so I’m good,” he chuckles.

“You look tired,” Tristan says to me.

“Not you as well.” I let out a chuckle. “Dash already lectured me today.”

“Don’t burn yourself out,” my brother says, concern lacing his words.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” Glancing around the room, I say, “Let me greet the others. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Walking to where Ryker is talking to Noah, I catch the tail end of their conversation, as Noah says, “At least that’s done now.”

Noah notices me first, and a smile spreads over his face. “Damn, you actually left the office. It’s a miracle.”

We all work together at the family business, which was started by my grandfather, who I was named after.

“Don’t start,” I grumble. I look to where Dash is sitting with Hayley on one of the couches. “She’s growing so fast.”

“So are her lungs and attitude,” Noah mutters. “She takes after her mother. If she doesn’t get what she wants, there’s hell to pay.”

I let out a burst of laughter, then mention, “Whenever you need a break, Dash will be more than willing to babysit.”

“Give my sister half a chance, and Carla and I won’t see our daughter again,” Noah jokes.

Dash gets up with Hayley, and coming toward us, she asks, “Where’s her bag? I’ll change her diaper and give her a bottle.”

“It’s in the first guestroom,” Noah answers.

While Dash is spending some time with Hayley, I make my rounds, greeting our friends and catching up with them.

When two hours have passed, and there’s no sign of Dash, I take the stairs up to the second floor. Checking the first room, I find Dash on the bed next to a sleeping Hayley.

The sight makes warmth spread through my chest.

“Hey,” I whisper.

Dash shoots me a grin before she goes back to staring lovingly at her niece. “Isn’t she gorgeous?”

I glance down at Hayley’s chubby cheeks before turning my gaze to Dash. “She is.”

I’ve been working my ass off so I can offer Dash the world when she turns thirty, but damn, the wait is killing me. With every passing day, I’m growing more impatient. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait another five years. The past five have been hard enough.

It’s been playing like a broken loop in my mind to talk to Dash about us. She hasn’t given me any indication that she’s interested in more, though, and it’s the only thing holding me back.

Carla, my cousin and Dash’s sister-in-law, comes into the room, and then she gives Dash a thankful smile. “Thank you so much. We’re heading home so she can get to bed.”

“You know I love spending time with her,” Dash says. She presses a soft kiss to Hayley’s cheek before getting up.

I wait for the women to hug each other goodbye, then I give Carla a sideways hug.

It takes another fifteen minutes for us to say bye to our family and friends before we get to leave.

Once we’re in the car, and I’m driving us home, Dash stares out of the window. When she lets out a sigh, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head. “Every time I see Hayley, it makes me want a child of my own.”

Dash hasn’t been in a relationship since the fuck up with Josh, for which I’m thankful. I think I’d lose my mind if she meets someone now.

The thought causes the familiar panic to rear in my chest, which only makes me more determined to talk to her about us.

I don’t want to do it while driving, so I murmur, “One day.”

She shakes her head again. “I’m tired of hoping I’ll meet Mr. Right. I’m thinking of doing it by myself.”

My gaze snaps to her. “What?”

“Contrary to popular belief, women don’t need men anymore. I’m going to visit a sperm bank to see what my options are.”

What. The. Fuck?

My eyebrows pop up, and for a moment, I’m too stunned to say anything. When I finally process what she just said, I ask, “Are you serious?”

Dash nods as I bring the car to a stop in the basement. I wait until we’re out of the vehicle and heading to the elevator before I say, “You have no idea where the fucking sperm comes from. There’s no way I’m letting you put that shit in your body.”

“The donors have profiles, and they’re all vetted thoroughly. At least I won’t be settling for some narcissistic bastard.”

When the elevator doors open to her apartment, I walk inside with her, saying, “A baby… that’s for life.”

Dash lets out a burst of laughter. “I know. I’ve been thinking about it since I heard Carla’s expecting. This isn’t something I decided overnight.”