Dash’s head pops up, and then she glares at me. “Don’t even joke about that.”

Fuck. Not the reaction I was hoping for.

Steeling myself for the blow of rejection, I say, “I’m not joking. If we’re both single, why not? Honestly, I’d marry you in a fucking heartbeat if it saves me from wading through the gold diggers and drama queens out there.”

My comment makes a burst of laughter bubble over her lips. Then she nods. “Okay. When I’m thirty, and we’re both single, then we call it quits on dating and get married.”

It’s a start.

Grinning at her, I say, “Deal.”

She snuggles against my side, then murmurs, “All joking aside, thanks, Christopher. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You’ll never have to find out,” I whisper as I close my eyes.

Chapter 2


Dash 25; Christopher 27

Pressing Christopher’s extension, I wait for him to answer.


“Are you ready?” I ask. We still need to get dressed before heading over to Tristan and Hana’s place for the Halloween party they’re hosting.

“Ten more minutes,” Christopher grumbles.

Letting out a sigh, I turn off my computer before I get up and walk into his office. Where Christopher’s office is totally closed off for privacy, my office has glass partitions, so I have a clear view of the hallway seeing as I’m not only a director at Indie Ink but also Christopher’s PA.

He glances up, then mumbles, “I said ten minutes, Dash.”

“And we both know that’s bullshit,” I call him out. Reaching over his desk, I close the folder of our latest deal. “We’re already late. Let’s go.”

I walk to where his jacket is hanging, and taking it off the hanger, I hold it open so he can put it on.

Christopher lets out a huff, but at least he gets up. When he’s done shrugging on his jacket, he mutters, “You know I’m the CEO, and you’re the PA, right?”

I don’t get offended by his words because I know he’s overworked and tired. Between Danny, Christopher, Ryker, and myself, we practically run Indie Ink. “Yeah, and it’s part of my job to make sure you don’t work yourself to death.”

Christopher and I have a deal that what happens in the office stays in the office. We don’t let our work relationship affect our friendship.

Adjusting the lapels of his jacket, I glance up at him. “It’s already past seven. We still need to get ready.”

He takes a deep breath and luckily doesn’t argue with me.

The office is quiet as we leave, and once Christopher is driving us to our apartment block, I say, “You haven’t taken any time off since you started at Indie Ink. You’re going to work yourself into an early grave.”

Christopher shoots a glare my way. “You know taking a break is out of the question. With Tristan starting his own business, we’re down one person.”

“Delegate the work then,” I argue.

“Stop worrying about my workload. Besides, it’s only until Jade graduates.” Jade is the daughter of a close family friend. She’ll be taking over bringing in new business once she joins Indie Ink.

I shake my head, muttering, “That’s another two years.”

Christopher parks the car in our building’s basement. Once we’re out of the vehicle and walking to the elevator, he says, “I’m fine. Stop worrying.”

The doors slide open, and we step inside. I swipe my keycard and press the buttons for both our floors. “As your best friend, it’s my job to worry. You’re going to burn out at this rate.” Glancing up at him, I add, “When did you last date? God, I can’t even remember. We also haven’t had time for our weekly dinners.”

The doors slide open to my apartment, and I move forward to keep the doors from closing while meeting Christopher’s gaze. “I love you, and I’m not just going to stand by and watch you become a workaholic. There’s more to life.”

Christopher takes a deep breath, and sounding annoyed with me, he says, “After this deal, we can resume our weekly dinners.”

Shaking my head, I step out of the way so the doors can close while muttering, “Don’t do me any favors.”

Letting out a sigh, I walk to the stairs that lead to the second floor and my bedroom. I kick off my heels, and tugging my blouse out of my skirt, I pull it over my head.

Just then, Christopher comes into my room, saying, “Sorry, Dash –” His words cut off the second his gaze lands on my bra.

“Yep, you definitely need to get laid. It’s not like you to be speechless at the sight of a bra.” I joke as I walk to the bathroom. I turn on the faucets in the shower so the water can warm up, then walk back into my room. Christopher’s gone, and it makes a chuckle bubble over my lips.

You’d think he’d be okay with seeing me in my underwear with the number of times he’s seen me in a bathing suit.