Looking at Uncle Jax, I say, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

We enjoy our whiskeys, then Dad says, “Jaxson and I will stand in for you and Dash while you’re on your honeymoon, so the pressure’s not too much for Danny.”

Placing my hand on Dad‘s shoulder, I give him a squeeze, then I lock eyes with Uncle Jax, “Thanks, I was worried about that.”

“Have you thought about where you’re taking Dash for the honeymoon?” Tristan asks.

“She’s always wanted to go to Ireland. I’ll probably take her there.”

“She’ll love it,” Uncle Jax agrees.

“So,” Dad begins as he looks at Uncle Jax, “apparently, we won’t have to wait long for grandkids.”

“I already have one,” Uncle Jax laughs.

“Dumbass, you know what I mean,” Dad grumbles at him.

Uncle Jax looks at me. “After this one,” he jabs a thumb at Noah, “I’m ready for anything.”

Noah and Carla sprung an accidental pregnancy on everyone.

Letting out a chuckle, I say, “Well, prepare yourself because Dash wants a baby now.”

Noah begins to laugh. “Just remind her if she gets pregnant now, she’ll be waddling down the aisle.”

“You tell her that. I love my balls intact,” I mutter.

Everyone laughs, then Dad says, “Yeah, she’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”

“She does,” I agree.

Damn, I can’t wait for her to get back tomorrow. One day without her, and I feel lost.

Uncle Jax locks eyes with me, his features softening. “Thank you for loving my daughter.”

Smiling, I nod. “More than anything.”

“Why did it take you so long to pull your head out of your ass?” Tristan asks.

Rubbing my thumb over my bottom lip, I explain, “There was a bit of a communication problem between Dash and me. Turns out we both wanted the same thing but thought the other one wasn’t ready.”

“This is why I say an open line of communication is key to a happy marriage,” Dad mutters.

“Yeah? Mom says, and you do,” Tristan teases him.

“Son, don’t make me get up from this chair,” Dad threatens him, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

“But it’s the truth,” I back Tristan.

Dad shakes his head, “There he goes again.. but this… but that.”

Laughing, we enjoy the evening together before we all call it a night.

Heading to my car, I pull my phone out and call Dash.

“Hey,” she answers, laughter and music in the background.

“Where are you?” I ask.

“In the suite. We’re having a pajama party,” she explains.

“Are you having fun?” Walking toward my car, I press the button for the doors to unlock.

“Yes, but I miss you.”

“I miss you too,” I grin as I open the door.

“Where are you?” she asks.

“The office. I’m heading home to my empty bed,” I grumble.

“I’ll be in it tomorrow,” she chuckles.

Dropping my voice, I murmur, “Hmm… hopefully naked.”

“God,” she sighs. “How do you do that? One sentence, and I’m hot.”

Climbing into the car, I keep my voice low. “Do what?”

“You know what,” she whispers.

“Is that your chunk-of-hunk on the phone?” I hear Miss Sebastian ask.

“Yes,” Dash laughs, then she says, “I have to go.”

“Enjoy the night, beautiful.”

“I love you.” I hear all the women aww in the background.

“Love you, too.”

Chapter 13


It’s already after four in the afternoon when the elevator doors slide open. A smile splits over my face when I see Christopher leaning against the couch, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Finally,” he mutters.

Walking to him, I ask, “Did you miss me?”

Slowly, he nods. When I reach him, he wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me against him. His mouth crashes against mine, and his tongue and teeth work me into a breathless frenzy.

By the time he pulls back, I’m caught in a daze. I clear my throat. “I missed you too.”

“Not half as much as I missed you. Did you enjoy the trip?”

I nod as I stare into his eyes. “The venue is beautiful. I can’t wait to marry you there.”

Christopher lifts his hand to my face, brushing some strands behind my ear. “I love hearing that.” He straightens up, then asks, “Have you eaten?”

“I had breakfast.”

“I ordered a platter. Let’s eat.”

As he walks to the kitchen, I say, “Let me just put my bag away and slip into something comfortable.” Heading up the stairs, a smile tugs at my mouth.

It’s good to be home.


It’s not the place but Christopher.

I leave my bag in the closet and kick off my shoes. Unzipping the dress, I let it drop to the floor, and when I reach for my sweatpants, Christopher’s hands settle on my hips.

Instantly my smile grows as he presses a kiss to my shoulder, then he murmurs, “You look comfortable enough.”

Turning around, I say, “If you say so.” Pushing past him, I leave the closet and head down the hallway, wearing only my peach lace bra and thong.

“Christ,” I hear him growl behind me.

When I glance over my shoulder and see him stalking right at me, I let out a burst of laughter as I dart forward. I don’t even make it to the stairs before his arm wraps around me, and I’m yanked off my feet.