Dash grins up at me. “It’s only three hours away.”

“We can make a day of it,” Mom says to Dash. “Let me know when Leigh and Miss Sebastian are free, then the four of us can go.”

Dash lets out a happy shriek. “I’m so excited!”

I press a kiss to the top of her head. Seeing her so happy is everything.

When Mom and Dash start talking flowers, I get up and go back to Dad. Dropping down beside him, he whispers, “You do know that’s all they’re going to be talking about until the actual wedding?”

I nod, a wide grin on my face.

Dad lets out a chuckle, then after a while, he murmurs, “Thank you, son. Tristan and Hana eloping threw your mom for a loop. She needed this.”

“I know.” Even though they had a reception, them getting married was still one hell of a surprise. “We might disagree with the way Tristan chooses to do things, but it doesn’t mean we love him any less.”

“He’s intent on sending me to an early grave, though,” Dad mutters.

I let out a chuckle. “Nothing can kill you.”

“Wait until you have kids of your own.”

Locking eyes with Dad, I say, “Soon.”

His eyebrow pops up again. “Yeah?”

I nod, then laugh. “Dash wants children now.”

Dad’s smile widens. “I’m going to spoil my grandkids rotten then send them back to you all hyperactive from a sugar overdose.”

“Don’t you dare, Uncle Carter,” Dash laughs, having listened in on our conversation. “I’ll just drop off an overnight bag then.”

“Look at this one telling me I can’t spoil my grandkids,” Dad acts all offended.

“You can give them all the candy you want,” Dash says. “But you’ll be the one sitting up with them running around like a bunch of hellions.”

“Them?” Mom asks, a hopeful look on her face.

“Definitely.” Dash wraps an arm around Mom. “At least two.”

“I can’t wait until you’re pregnant,” Mom says, her eyes bright with happiness.

Dad’s phone rings, then he says, “Danny’s here.”

Dash’s head snaps up. “Oh good, then we can tell her now.” She’s up before either of my parents can move a muscle to open the door, and a minute later, I hear Dash shout, “Hey, my future sister-in-law.”

“What?” Danny shrieks. “Are you serious? Don’t you dare joke about that.”

“We’re engaged,” I hear Dash say, and then I can’t make out a damn word as they begin to talk at the same time.

We spend another hour with my family, sharing our happiness with them before I have to drag Dash to the car so we can move her belongings to the penthouse.

Chapter 10


“Let’s move your clothes first,” Christopher says as he heads up the stairs.

Following him, I tease. “I hope you’re ready to do some heavy lifting. I have a lot of clothes.”

He lets out a chuckle. “I know. I was there when you bought most of them.”

“You called Noah to tell him the news, right?” Christopher asks.

“Yeah, he’s happy for us. What did Tristan say?”

“It’s about time,” he chuckles.

Walking into the closet, I point up to where the bags are. “Can you bring those down so we can fill them? It will save us from having to walk up and down.”

Christopher lowers the bags and sets them down.

Glancing up, my eyes widen when he pulls open a drawer. His mouth curves up as he begins to remove my bras. “I’m really liking what I’m seeing,” he murmurs as he places them in a bag.

“What can I say, I’m a Victoria's Secret girl.”

When he aims for the drawer containing my panties, I dart up. “Leave my underwear. I’ll pack those.”

Christopher gives me a panty-melting look as he shakes his head. He lifts up a g-string, then says, “I can’t wait to see you in this one.”

I let out a burst of laughter as I grab it from him. “Stop. At this rate, we’re not going to get anything done.”

Christopher leaves me to handle the rest of my underwear, and when I’m done, and I glance back up, my face goes up in flames.

His eyes are dark and intense as they rest on me while he holds my freaking box of vibrators. The corner of his mouth curves up as he says, “I always wondered which toys you preferred.”

As quick as I can, I’m up on my feet and reaching for the box, but Christopher pulls it away from me. To make matters worse, he picks up the big purple one.

Feeling embarrassed, I laugh. “Oh God. Please stop.”

He sets the box down, and then he moves in on me. The expression on his face turns predatory, and it makes heat flood my body.

He wraps an arm around my lower back, pulling me against him. I bring my hands to his chest, and when our eyes lock, and I hear the vibrator humming, my lips part, but I can’t think of a single thing to say.