Basically, the woman who had my life in her hands.

I really wanted this job.

My last office closed down, and without my boyfriend’s money, I’d be drowning right now. So, I needed employment fast. Plus, I really wanted this particular job. The salary was almost double what I used to make, came with benefits, and catering to high-end clients sounded like plain fun.

Cleo looked up from her paperwork and regarded me with a smile, possessing a warmth that made her feel like a friend rather than a potential boss. Instead of a grilling like all the other interviews I’d been on, it felt more like a conversation in a coffee shop. “Did your last office go out of business?”

“No. Dr. Richmond retired.”

“It was a medical office?” she asked.

“Yeah. A pediatrician’s office, so I got to see cute kids all the time. My ovaries would scream every single day.”

Cleo chuckled. “I can imagine. If I weren’t too old, I would just keep having kids.”

“How many do you have?”

“Three,” she said with a smile. “But they’re all adults now.”

It was hard to distinguish her age based on her features because she was really petite, had great skin, hair that looked better than mine, and didn’t wear glasses. But maybe in her fifties? “Grandchildren?”

“Oh, I have some of those.” She grinned wider. “I’ve got three. Two boys and a girl.”

“That’s better, if you ask me. You spoil them, then give them back.”

She chuckled. “And that’s exactly what I do.” She turned back to the paperwork. “So, why do you think you’d be a good fit for our concierge team? The hours aren’t always steady, privacy is critical, and you have to be ready for requests you’ve never imagined before.”

“The hours don’t bother me. After working the same hours every single day in an office, it’ll be nice to have a change. Doing parties and events sounds like fun. I’m pretty outgoing. Privacy isn’t a problem because I don’t gossip anyway. And I’m up for any challenge. I’m a big people person, so working in a collaborative hospitality environment sounds enjoyable. I’m pretty easy to get along with.”

“Great.” She made some notes before she turned back to me. “When can you start?”

My smile fell when I heard what she’d said. “Wait, what?”

She smiled. “Yes, you got the job.”


She chuckled. “I think you’ll be a good fit here.”

“Really? I’ve never been hired on the spot before.”

“Well, I have a knack for these sorts of things. I can read people pretty well.”

I made a couple air punches. “Yes. Yes. Yes. I really wanted this job. And to top it off, I’m going to dinner with my man tonight, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to propose. So, I got my dream job and my dream man.”

“Aw, that’s great.” She set down the papers now that the interview was over and brought her hands together on the desk, her fingers interlocked. She was naturally poised and elegant, but she had a relaxed aura to her as well. “I remember when my husband proposed to me. The greatest day of my life.”

“Did you know?”

She shook her head. “I didn’t. How do you know?”

“He’s been acting differently. A little quiet, a little mysterious. I think he’s nervous. He just flew in this morning and wants to take me somewhere nice for dinner.”

“He travels for work?”

“He’s a pilot.” I waggled my eyebrows.

“Ooh, must be a smart guy.”

“Yeah, I have a thing for smart guys.”

“Well, I’m excited to see your ring on Monday.”

“And I’m excited to show it off.” I got to my feet to shake her hand. “And thank you so much for the opportunity. I’m so excited to be working here. It’s kind of a dream job.”

She came around the desk, and instead of taking my hand, she hugged me.

I hugged her back, feeling like I was hugging a mother rather than a boss.

“It’s the best job in the world, if you ask me.” She pulled away and squeezed my arms before she let go. “See you soon.”

Vince sat across from me at the table, the two of us drinking a bottle of wine while we ate our appetizers. A white candle glowed on the table between us, and other couples in the restaurant talked quietly and enjoyed each other’s company. He was in a black blazer with a gray shirt underneath, and his smile lifted as he stared at me. “What are you so happy about?”

Well, I’m about to get engaged. “I got that job.”

“You did?” His smile widened. “That’s great, baby.”

“Looks like I don’t need to mooch off you anymore.”

“Like I mind you being in my debt.” He gave a charismatic wink.

Only a guy like him could pull off a move like that. I took a sip of my wine to cover the flutter in my heart. I’d been looking for the right man for a very long time, and now I had a sexy pilot who was everything I wanted. I’d seen him in his pilot’s uniform at the airport, pulling his luggage behind him with the flight crew in tow. They stopped at the gate and waited to be let on, and since I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity, I gave him my number. He called a few days later, and the rest is history.