Sicily just watched.

I kept going and going, refusing to stop until the paramedics got there.

Then he took a breath, his eyes opening again.

“He’s back,” Sicily said.

The paramedics ran inside.

“I need two units of epinephrine because he’s going to crash again.”

The paramedic came to my side. “Who are you—”

“I’m a doctor. Fucking do what I say!”

The guys started to follow orders.

“He’s going to crash again,” I said. “We need to get him into the ambulance and get the blood transfusion going. Otherwise, he won’t make it to the hospital. I slowed the bleeding with sutures, but that’s not our biggest problem right now.”

We got him onto the stretcher, ran him down to the lobby and into the back of an ambulance. I should stay behind because it wasn’t my place, but I climbed into the back without thinking and went to the hospital.



Everything happened so fast that I couldn’t fully process it. One moment, I heard a gunshot, and I stupidly ran into the condo without thinking twice about my own safety. I saw Mr. Carlton on the ground and did the only thing I knew how—put pressure on the wound and called for help. His wife was in too much of a panic to do the same thing.

Now, Cleo and I were at the hospital in the waiting room with Mrs. Carlton, keeping her calm as we waited for news of the surgery. Dex was there, but he sat on the other side of the room, his eyes on the floor with his bloodstained hands joined together.

I didn’t ask any Cleo any questions in front of Mrs. Carlton because that would be insensitive.

Cleo continued to keep her arm around Mrs. Carlton and rub her arm. “It’ll be alright. He got treatment quickly. There’s hope.”

She sobbed into her tissue. “I warned him about those stupid fucking guns.”

Cleo seemed to have it handled, so I stood up to walk to Dex.

Cleo was on me fast. “No.”

I turned at her command, never hearing her speak that way except when she told off Tony.

“Leave him alone.” Her eyes told me not to defy her or ask questions.

I sat down again and stayed quiet.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out, wearing a white coat with a cap.

Dex noticed too because he jogged over to listen.

“Mrs. Carlton?” he asked, looking at the women who sobbed into tissues. “We successfully removed the bullet and took care of the internal bleeding. No major arteries or organs were seriously damaged, so he’s very lucky.” He turned to Dex and glanced at his bloody hands. “The paramedics said you were on the scene. If you hadn’t been there, Mr. Carlton wouldn’t have made it. Great work.”

All Dex could do was stare.

“You’re an ER physician?” the surgeon asked.

Dex shook his head. “Heart surgeon. Dex Hamilton.”

The surgeon’s eyes narrowed like he knew exactly who he was. “The Dex Hamilton? Renowned heart surgeon?”

Dex looked uncomfortable at the question. He was no longer the charismatic and bubbly guy he usually was. Now, he was quiet, brooding, impossible to read. All he did was give a nod.

“Honor to meet you.” He turned back to Mrs. Carlton. “We’re going to put him in a room. We’ll let you know when you can see him.”

“Thank you so much,” she said through her tears. “Thank you…”

The surgeon walked away.

Mrs. Carlton then turned to Dex, and with no regard to the blood all over his hands and clothes, she moved into his chest and hugged him. “You saved my husband’s life… Thank you.”

Dex just stood there like he didn’t know what to do. But after a few seconds, his arms circled her waist, and he hugged her back. “I’m glad he’s going to be okay, Mrs. Carlton.”

Dex didn’t work for the next few days.

After that whole episode, he deserved the time off.

But I couldn’t hide my surprise at the whole thing. It was shocking, but at the same time, it made perfect sense.

When the time felt right, I asked Cleo about it. “So…Dex is a heart surgeon?”

She was working on her computer, and she released a quiet sigh before she turned to look at him. “Was.”

“And why isn’t he anymore?” He obviously wasn’t just some anonymous doctor, but a respectable surgeon if another doctor at a random hospital knew exactly who he was. He wasn’t average.

She chewed on her inner lips as she considered what to say. “He became overwhelmed with the situation…and needed to take a step back. He ended his practice, walked away from everything, and when he needed a job to get by…I couldn’t say no. He’s not meant to work here, he’s meant for bigger things, and I hope that his employment here is temporary. But it’s one of those things that can’t be rushed. He needs to decide when he’s ready to back to that profession…or if he’ll ever be ready.”