“It’s not the same thing, man.”

“I know.” His voice turned gentle, like he felt my pain the way I felt his pain. “Take the time you need to get back to a good place. Everyone is different. But it seems like you aren’t working toward getting better. You’re running from it, and that’s just going to waste more time.”

I grabbed my bottle and took another drink, deflecting everything he said in silence. “Are we done now?”

Derek couldn’t hide his look of disappointment that his message literally made no difference. But he didn’t try again. He let it go. “What’s new at work? Mom said you guys hired a new person.”

I was grateful the subject had been changed. “Yeah. She’s super sexy.” I switched right back into my prior mood, wanting to keep the conversation light and pretend that it hadn’t just gotten dark and serious a moment ago.

He chuckled slightly. “Mom didn’t mention that part. And you think all women are sexy.”

“Well, they usually are,” I said in my defense. “But she’s, like, beautiful sexy.”

“Go for it.”

“Nah,” I said quickly. “Not my thing.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Because you work together?”

“I guess. But you know, I just want a fun night and nothing more. And she doesn’t strike me as that kind of lady. I get a lot of tail all the time, so there’s no reason to go after it at work. Don’t shit where you eat, right?”

“Good point.”

“Speaking of which…” I watched the waitress come over and place a beer in front of me.

“From the lady at the bar.” She walked away.

I looked past her to see a brunette give me a playful wave.

I raised my beer and shot her a wink. “Well, sorry to leave you high and dry, but I’m about to get deep and wet.” I grabbed the new beer as I rose to my feet and gave him a clap on the back.

He raised his beer then clinked it against mine. “Have fun.”

“Oh, I will.”



I put on my cocktail dress even though I’d be running around for a few hours before the party even began. One of the clients in the building was holding a charity gala, and a lot of high-profile politicians were supposed to attend. Everything had to go perfectly—even though I had no experience at all.

I grabbed my purse and opened the door to leave, and I came face-to-face with Vince.

I’d been so busy at my new job that I didn’t have a lot of spare time to think about him, and that had helped numb the heartbreak and guilt. But the second I looked at him again, I was pissed as if it had just happened. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

He wore an apologetic expression, and it seemed like he was about to get on his knees and beg. “Just talk to me. Let me explain—”

I shut the door behind me and locked it. “There’s no need. You’re married. Boom, I got it.” I stormed off, gliding in my heels because now I was used to wearing them all the time. “I’m pretty bright, you know?”

He came after me. “I know I dropped a lot on you last week, and I thought—”

“You thought wrong.” I jammed my finger into the button so the elevator would come to my floor. “No amount of time or space will change the circumstances. You’re a married man. Married. Maybe marriage means something different to you than it does to me, and if that’s the case, then we’re incompatible. Because I would never want to be with a man who would cheat on his wife, who wouldn’t bust his ass for that relationship, who would find a weak excuse to justify his disgusting behavior. I’m ashamed I was ever part of this, and I’m furious that you lied to me. There is no scenario where you and I get back together. There is no scenario where I stop hating you. Hate is such a strong word, but it’s appropriate because you’re literally the embodiment of everything I hate. You’re a cheater. You’re a liar. You’re a coward.” The doors opened, so I took the perfect opportunity to make my dramatic exit. The timing couldn’t be better. It was like a scene in a movie, but not a movie I wanted to star in. “So just fuck off.” I turned around and flipped him the bird as the doors closed.

We were at the Four Seasons in one of the ballrooms, adding streams of ribbon, candles, flowers, layer after layer of decoration. And it wasn’t simple decorations like you would see at a birthday party.

This looked like a party for the Oscars or something.

Cleo had been there all day, working since the morning, and we continued to bring in more things and put the room together.

I was a bit distracted because I kept thinking about Vince’s appearance on my doorstep. He was a part of my life I just wanted to forget. I’d give anything to erase it altogether and start over.