Page 16 of Thoroughly Whipped


“Whatever is required of you.” Sally smirked. I’d never seen amusement in her expression before. It scared the hell out of me; she looked like a mountain lion about to attack. “Let’s pray you have the stamina and pain threshold for such a task.” She trilled out a single mocking laugh. “Oh, to see you trussed up in chains with a gag ball in your mouth. Maybe whoever gets to play with you will eventually get you to shut up.”

“Ha! I’ll be their biggest challenge yet,” I said, feigning hilarity at her snark. I cast her a strained smile and quickly left her office.

Despite Sally’s acidic tongue lashing, I felt like I was walking on air as I headed down the elevator and toward Novah. She jumped up from her seat and followed me to the bathroom. Once inside, I locked the door, after making sure no one else was in the cubicles. I switched on all the hand dryers and faucets to drown out any noise. Novah watched me with the eyes of a hawk. Then I stood before her. “She wants it to be the big feature.”

Novah’s mouth dropped open. “Are you fucking with me?”

“No,” I said and Novah grabbed my arms and started screaming. I couldn’t help screaming either. “Shush, shush!” I said after ten seconds of good shrilling. I pulled Novah closer. “No one is allowed to know. I carry on as normal. Write ‘Ask Miss Bliss,’ but at night…”

“Get the shit whipped out of your tush and become the daughter of Chaos.”


“NOX. The Roman goddess of night and the daughter of Chaos.”

“Okay. I didn’t know who NOX was. So that was helpful. But yes to what you said about the whipping of said tush.” As I said those words, the reality of the situation crashed down upon me. “Fuck, Nove.” My hands trembled slightly. “What am I going to be stepping into?”

“Copious amounts of come and other bodily fluids, I imagine. Oh, and lube. They’ll have that shit on tap.” I pulled the card from my bra and stared at the number. “No time like the present, hey babe?”

Nodding, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell. I could do this. I loved sex. Was pretty fluid. Experimented in college as most people did. This was just another experiment, with the holy award of gaining the big feature at the end. What were a few bruises and mass orgies to land that baby? Orgasms as payment? I could cash those checks all day.

“Okay,” I said on a deep breath and punched the number into my cell. It rang exactly three times before someone picked up.

“Membership number?”

“I was given a card last night,” I said, stumbling over my words, and waited for the other person to speak.

“Code on the card.”

“Two, one, six, eight, three.”

I waited in silence, Novah leaning in close to listen. “It’s gone quiet,” I mouthed to Novah. She leaned in further, pressing her cheek to mine. The man came back on the line. “I’ll text an address to this cell number. You must visit that address within the next two hours. You’ll be contacted afterward with further instructions.” With that the phone went dead.

“Well, that wasn’t creepy in the slightest,” Novah said and I shook my head in shock.

“It’s like the Mission Impossible of sex clubs,” I said. “This message will self-destruct in sixty-nine seconds.” I winked at Novah just as an address came through the cell.

Novah was on her cell in no time, googling the address. “It’s a clinic,” she said, “not too far away.”

“Well,” I said and turned off the dryers and faucets. “I’d better get my ass to the clinic quick smart. I’ve got a sex dungeon to join.”

“There is no part of me that hasn’t been searched, poked, and swabbed,” I said as I entered my apartment later that night. Sage and Amelia were sitting on the couch awaiting my return. I’d been texting them the developing story as the day progressed. Sally had sworn me to secrecy, but that didn’t include these two or Novah. I told them everything.

I slouched onto the couch and winced. “Front or back passage?” Sage asked, eyebrows dancing.

“Both. The side, vertical, and horizontal ones too.” I took the glass of water Amelia offered me before she slumped to my other side. I drank the water in one go and rolled my neck, closing my eyes as I rested the back of my head against the couch.

“They took so many tests from me today my head is spinning. Earning my master’s degree was easier than that medical exam. Who knew there were that many STDs you could catch? And the fucking vampire nurse savaged my arm to get blood. I was sure it was a test of endurance. Knowing my luck she’ll be the head dominatrix and loves nothing more than blood play. My poor veins had performance anxiety and ran away when the needle came calling. They got prick shy.”