Page 79 of Sick Fux

She was listening to Ellis.

“I know,” she agreed and began turning her head slowly. Her eyes returned to the kid-rapist. I pushed the dead whore beside me to the floor, then turned in my seat to better see him too. I didn’t want to miss whatever my Dolly was about to do. “We like Earl Grey.” She nodded in response to something Ellis had said. “Its light tone. Its flavor, bergamot. It is the superior blend.” She nodded again and raised her top lip in disgust. “And he had the audacity, the gall, to serve Darjeeling to us. Because it was his favorite . . .” I held my breath as Dolly stopped speaking. Then she moved. In a flash, Dolly had scrambled onto the table, smashing the food and cakes and tea under her feet. She rushed for the dick two seats down from me and slumped to her knees. Lifting her knife in both hands, she plunged it into his chest. She plunged and plunged, again and again and again. I groaned, my cock hardening to the point of agony as she sliced into his chest cavity until his ribs began to show. The dick’s body slumped in his chair. But Dolly only stopped stabbing him when she was out of breath.

Leaning forward, she took hold of his collar and brought his still-open eyes to meet hers. Hissing, breathless, she spat in his face, then said quietly, “Only Earl Grey will ever do.”

I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t not fucking touch her as she sat on the table, bathed in blood, eyes blazing with fury from her kills. I launched up, dropped my cane and wrapped my hands around her throat. I dragged her to me and slammed my mouth over hers. My tongue swirled in her mouth. Dolly moaned and pulled at my hair. I bent her backward on the table, eating at her mouth, before ripping myself away and staring down at her—blue-dressed, drenched in blood, eyes and hair wild.

“End them,” I demanded through gritted teeth. I felt their fear wrap around me, and it brought a smile to my face. I slammed my mouth on hers again, needing one more taste of her lips, before breaking away to suck the skin on her throat. “Fucking end them all,” I growled into her ear. I stepped back, taking hold of my cane and kicking my chair the fuck out of my way.

I palmed my cock under my pants as Dolly shifted to the end of the table, legs open, giving me a perfect view of her “frilly knickers,” as she called them. “Wanna have some fun, Rabbit?” she teased, a sparkle in her blue eyes.

“Always, darlin’.” I held out my hand and guided her off the table.

She dusted invisible lint off my coat and purred, “My Rabbit . . . such a gentleman.”

Dolly skipped toward Tweedledee and Tweedledum. She stopped behind them and threw her arms around their shoulders. “Now it’s your turn,” she announced. Looking to me, she said, “Would you be a dear and help me, Rabbit?”

I bowed and walked her way, twirling my cane. I met the eyes of the fucker left alive at the table and the maid. They were both shell-shocked, immobilized by fear. When I reached Dolly’s side, she ordered, “Pull out their chairs.” Smirking, I dragged the twins’ chairs out until they sat away from the table, further out on the veranda.

Dolly skipped around them until she faced them. She turned to the maid, who was still sitting on the bench. “I shall require two knives, of equal size.” The maid’s eyes widened. Dolly shooed her with her hand. “Chop-chop,” Dolly said, sounding so, so fucking English. The maid scurried into the house. I followed. As I filled the doorway, her eyes widened and she backed away to the kitchen drawers.

“Make sure they’re sharp,” I called. The maid took two knives from the drawer and held them out to me. “To her,” I said, pointing at Dolly, who was busy pressing kisses on her Alice doll’s lips. The maid crept past me, never taking her eyes off mine, and handed Dolly the knives. Dolly placed her doll’s head on the table and took the knives. She had tucked her blade and her gun in the waist belt of her dress.

I strolled over to where she stood. I held my cane close as she offered Tweedledum and Tweedledee the knives. They stared at her, not moving. Dolly sighed. “Okay. I can see you are confused, so I’ll explain.” She bent down, like she was speaking to recalcitrant children, and said, “Only one of you will survive tonight.” She brandished the knives in her hands. “You are going to have a fight. One of you will kill the other.” She shrugged. “Whosoever survives shall be freed.” A smile. Another shrug. “Simple.”