Page 76 of Sick Fux

She scurried to the bench, just as one of twins—Tweedledum, I decided to name him—stood up. “Who the fuck are you two? What the hell are you doing in my house?”

My eyes snapped to his flushed face, and an insatiable rage built up inside. I opened my mouth, ready to speak, when Dolly slammed her hand on the table. Her furious eyes latched onto Tweedledum’s bloated face. “Where are your manners?” she hissed, her English accent more pronounced than ever before. Dolly shook her head, displeased, and pulled the gun from her waist belt. Tweedledum’s eyes fell on the blue-and-white Glock. Dolly ran her finger over the inscription. Her head tilted to the side as she looked at the “uncles.” “Time for tea.” She spun the pistol in her hand and held it like the proficient gun handler she had become. She pointed the gun around the table, aiming its barrel at each of the guests in turn. They were staring at her, their faces rapidly draining of color. When her gaze landed on Tweedledum, he froze.

“We are guests here.” She glanced at the woman next to her and ordered, “Rabbit needs a chair.” The woman hesitated, only for Dolly to spin around and aim the gun at her head. “Don’t tell me your mummy never taught you manners?”

The woman scrambled off her seat and retrieved a chair for me. She brought it back, hesitating when she clearly didn’t know where to place it. Dolly gave me a stunning smile and lifted one shoulder.

My pretty, fucked-up doll.

“Opposite me, I think,” Dolly said, and the woman placed the chair where Dolly indicated. I moved slowly, assessing them all as they flicked their gaze between me and my girl. When I sat down, Dolly looked at me. “A tea party, Rabbit! Can you believe it?”

I leaned casually back in my seat. “I can’t believe it, my little Dolly.” My right hand rested on my cane, and I ran my left index finger around my lips. With my sharp thimble, I pierced the flesh, and I felt the blood gather in my mouth and run down my chin.

I let it pour.

I let them all stare.

“You know, Rabbit? You know what really ticks me off?” Dolly asked as she sat down.

“What, darlin’?”

She lifted her knife and began sticking the tip into the wood of the linen-covered table. Her gun remained in her other hand, finger braced on the trigger. Her shoulders sagged, and a disappointed expression engulfed her pretty face. “I really don’t like rude people.”

I nodded in agreement, spreading the blood over my teeth with the tip of my tongue. I felt the tension radiating from the guests. The heavenly smell of fear permeated the humid air. Dolly sighed and shook her head. Her eyes flicked to the side, staring at nothing. Her head tilted like she was listening to someone. “Ellis doesn’t like it either. She says it really makes her mad.”

I smiled.

My little Ellis never had liked ill manners.

Sitting forward, I let the blood from my lips drop onto the tablecloth. Then I smiled. Rubbing the rabbit head of my cane, I shrugged and quoted, “Manners maketh man.”

Dolly turned on the twins, who had turned a rather fetching whiter shade of pale. Their deathly pallor did nothing but excite me. I knew they had heard Dolly mention Ellis.

It teased them, foreshadowed what was to come. Pain. Lots of lovely, addictive pain.

“You invite us here, to your hacienda, and then treat us with such blatant disrespect?” Dolly’s eyes saddened, and her dimples popped out as her pink lips pouted in disappointment. “We have traveled so very far to be here tonight.” She paused, darkness flickering in her gaze. “To see you both . . . In fact, we could scarcely contain our excitement.” A sinister smile tugged on her lips, and then it returned to a pout. “You put on this beautiful spread, and then make us feel so very unwelcome.” She sniffed. “It is most upsetting.”

The man on Dolly’s left whispered something to the whore beside him. I studied his face. My blood boiled when I remembered he was a child abuser. She was the bitch that liked to watch him fuck kids.

He dared fucking speak when my Dolly had the floor? Dolly quieted, spun, knife in hand, and plunged its blade directly into the side of his skull. The whore, his fellow sick and twisted fuckpiece, screamed as his blood spurted over her. His hands scrunched the white table linen as he began a slow descent to death and the waiting hands of the devil himself. “I told you I hated bad manners!” Dolly said in her loudest, most commanding voice.

Dolly took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I heard her count to ten under her breath. I had to shift in my seat; my dick was so hard it was painful.