Page 62 of Sick Fux

When Rabbit stepped back from Kitty, from the watch he had created on the cellar’s dirt floor, he was drenched in Kitty’s blood. Only his face was showing any clean skin. Even then it was splattered with bloody drops, on his cheeks, forehead and chin.

“Tick tock.” Rabbit stared down at his handiwork. His fists were clenched at his sides again. “Tick tock.” His body started shaking, and he dove for the discarded paintbrush. My heart was in my mouth, a lump in my throat, as I watched him screaming “Tick tock” as he painted something at the base of the clock.

I didn’t know what to do.

He shook his head. “No,” he whispered, his voice cracking. His hand ran up his opposite arm, over the blood that had coated him. “No!” He clawed at his skin. At all the skin that was bare. That had been splattered with blood. “Get off me! Get the fuck off me! I can’t have you on me!”

Rabbit backed away from the Cheshire Cat. He ripped the buttons off his vest. He yanked it off him and threw it to the ground. His shirt was next, uncovering his tattooed chest and rock-like stomach beneath. But the blood had soaked through.

An agonized cry ripped from his throat. “Can’t have his scent. Can’t have his blood. Can’t have his cum. Can’t have him on me. Get off me. Get the fuck off me!”

I rushed forward. I had no plan in my mind as I crossed the dirt floor in a manic rush to save him. To save my Rabbit, just like he had saved me.

I didn’t think as I stood in his path and slammed my hands on his cheeks. I didn’t think as I stood on my tiptoes and stared him in the eyes. And I didn’t think as I leaned forward and captured his mouth with my own.

I froze, my lips sealed on his, as I ate his cries and swallowed his pain. Rabbit was soft under my lips. His skin was hot. Rabbit groaned. His lips moved, as if they were fighting my touch. But then they gave in. He made a tortured noise in the back of his throat and gave himself to my mouth. Gave himself to my touch.

My heart seemed to swell in my chest as his mouth began to work against mine. Images from the back of my mind flashed through me. Me, as a child in my bedroom. Rabbit on the floor, hurting, crying . . . against my bedroom wall.

And I was kissing him. I kissed him to take away his pain. My eyes flew open in confusion at the vision. I didn’t know when it was from. I didn’t know if it was real. But before I could think any more about it, Rabbit snarled, “Dolly,” against my mouth and pushed me backward. My hands slipped from his cheeks and ran down the muscles on his chest as his lips devoured my mouth.

“Rabbit,” I whispered, and my eyes collided with his. His pupils were dilated and wide.

“His smell,” he said as his arms caged me against the wall. “His fucking smell . . . his breath. It’s all over me. It’s fucking all over me!” He pushed a hand through his hair and down through the blood on his neck. “I need it gone. I need to get it off me. Need his smell and breath to get the fuck off my body and my head.”

More tears fled from my eyes. I ran my hands down his chest. “Dolly,” he growled. He bared his teeth, and his wild eyes slammed on mine. “Get the fuck off me. Get the motherfuck off me!” But I didn’t. I tipped my chin and stared him down. I worked my hands faster. Running my scent, breathing my breath, over his skin.

“Mine,” I spat as my hands moved to his hips. As my hands dipped lower and brushed over his crotch. “My smell,” I said, tearing at the button on his pants. Rabbit moved closer to me, his left hand dropping to my throat. His sharp-tipped thimble ran over my skin as his breath floated over my ear. His teeth scraped against my shoulder. I slammed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer. “My breath on your neck.”

I parted his pants and pushed them to the floor. Rabbit snapped his head back and pressed his forehead against mine.

I reached forward, gripped his shaft in my hand and placed my mouth at his ear. “My cock,” I said. Rabbit smacked his fist against the wall above me and burrowed his face into my neck. “Rub my scent all over you.” He thrust against my hand, his cock swollen and hard. “Take my breath. Take my touch.” I bit my lip and said, “Take my pussy.”