Page 44 of Sick Fux

I welcomed bringing death to him. To all of them. I didn’t care who I killed. I never cared.

As we walked through the high grass, Dolly hummed under her breath. It was her favorite song. And she hummed it like she had no cares in the world. I looked down at her. She looked up.

Then she fucking smiled.

Her bright pink lips standing out against her pale skin and blue eyes. My Alice in Wonderland about to start her adventure. I held out my arm, stopping her in her tracks when we reached the edge of the line of trees.

The house was silent.

I pointed to the front door. “We walk right through.” I felt the familiar rush of adrenaline at the thought of taking lives.

“Right through the door,” Dolly repeated, nodding her agreement. I almost smirked at the look that took over her expression—total hardass determination.

I sucked in a deep breath and straightened. Looking down at Dolly, I took my watch from my pocket, raised it to my ear and announced, “Tick tock.”

Her eyes shone. She lifted her gun and stroked the engraved barrel. “Time for tea.”

My dick hardened, and the need to kill pounded even harder through me. The three always turned me on: blood, and death, and Dolly.

And better yet . . . Killer Dolly.

Breaking from the cover of the grass and trees, we walked toward the front door, weapons in hand. I scoured the area, waiting for the first guard to make his appearance. None came as we reached the door. I silently tried the knob. The door was locked. I felt Dolly’s eyes on mine, waiting for instruction on what to do next. I stepped back and charged at the door, kicking at the lock. The door flew open. I recovered quickly, ready to storm in when Dolly stood in my path. She looked at me over her shoulder and said, “Ladies first.”

Fuck, this girl was everything.

Dolly rushed forward, blade at her side and her gun held out in her right hand. I followed close behind, ready to defend her against anyone who came to confront us. We had traveled halfway down the hallway when I heard the sound of floorboards creaking. A guard dressed all in black came running around the corner. I lifted my cane, unsheathing the blade from the gun, and aimed to shoot. But before I could, Dolly charged forward, heels clacking on the wooden floor, gun held high. My breath locked in my throat as the guard raised his gun, but before he could even get his finger on the trigger, Dolly shrilled, “Time for tea!” and sent a bullet roaring into his chest.

The guard fell back, dropping to the floor. Blood poured out and his eyes ceased blinking.


One down.

Dolly stopped, looking over the corpse. A gasp fell from her lips and her head whipped to me. Her chest was heaving, her breathing fast. “I did it!” A single laugh. “Rabbit! I killed one! I killed one of the bad men!”

“Sure did, darlin’.”

Her back straightened with pride. Then her eyes darkened, the pupils dilating. “I want more,” she demanded and looked around. “I want more blood.” She took off at a sprint; I followed in her wake. Dolly took to the staircase. Seconds later, another guard ran down the stairs, shooting first. His bullet hit behind Dolly, chipping plaster from the stairwell’s red-painted wall. Dolly fired back, again screaming “Time for tea!”. Her bullet sliced through the guard’s leg. But I saw him lift his gun . . . aiming at her head. I pulled my rabbit’s-head trigger before he even had a chance to see me coming up behind her. My bullet tunneled straight through his forehead, ending him.

His body flopped over the stairs. Dolly ran to his limp corpse and whirled to face me. Her full hands hit her hips, and her bottom lip stuck out in a pout. “Rabbit!” she admonished. “I wanted to kill him!”

I fought a smile. “My apologies, darlin’.” She huffed out a breath as I stopped before her. “You can have the next one. I promise.”

Dolly kicked the body, but eventually dropped her arms and looked up at me with a pissed-off glare. “Fine.” She stepped closer still. A spatter of blood had stained the collar of her dress. I’d never been so turned on in my whole fucking life. She pressed the tip of her blade against my chest. “And I want the Caterpillar too.”

Scratch that. Now I was the most turned on I’d ever been. That fucking commanding, demanding voice . . .

I bowed, the blade pressing deeper against my chest. “As the lady wishes.”

“Good!” she sang, all her moodiness forgotten. “Now,” she said, racing up the next two steps. “Who’s next?”

I knew we had one more guard left from this shift. And he’d be guarding the Caterpillar. The final barrier to the reason we were here. We searched left and right but found no one. Until we found a back staircase. “Here,” I said. Dolly immediately pushed past me. I ran up the stairs behind her. I had barely made it to the top when a bullet fired into the stairwell. My heart stopped, needing it to not have hit Dolly, when suddenly I heard Dolly tutting and witnessed her plunging her blade into the barrel chest of the guard. As he slumped against the wall, slowly sliding down, his blood smearing the white paint, Dolly pulled her blade from the wound. “Naughty boy!”