Raphael sat opposite Diel, wrapping the same string around his finger as he had for years. His golden eyes watched Gabriel, his dark hair brushed forward over his forehead. Long messy hair, but not as long as the others. He was searching for any sign that the next kill would be his. Gabriel could feel his quiet desperation.

And to Gabriel’s right was Michael. Dressed in a black silk shirt that was unbuttoned to his navel and tight leather pants, Michael played with the vial of blood that still hung around his neck. One side of his dark hair was shaved, and the other side hung in natural waves to the bottom of his ear. Michael’s blue eyes focused on the red wine in his hand. His tattoos—imitation veins, lines and lines of veins smothering his body—covered every bit of bare skin. Most of his brothers were tattooed in some way, most expressing the echoes of pain that haunted their disturbed hearts. Sela was an artist of the highest caliber. He could draw their stories on their skin for the world to see.

“Everyone good?” Gabriel asked.

Bara smiled and sat back in his seat, arm over the backrest. He wore a green shirt that matched his piercing eyes. “We’ll be even better if you tell us we’re going to the Tomb after this.” He leaned forward. “We’re getting tetchy, Angel.”

Gabriel closed his eyes when the temperature in the room seemed to rise. He felt the sting of the cilices around his thighs, the pull of his scourge’s fresh wounds on his back, and nodded his head. Opening his eyes, he took a sip of his wine and said, “We eat as a family . . .” Gabriel breathed, in and out, feeling yet more depravity fill his soul. “Then one of you will get a kill.”

The End

The Ten Commandments of the Fallen

Thou shalt not kill an innocent

Thou shalt not stray from the Fallen’s righteous path

Thou shalt not bring prey back to Eden Manor

Thou shalt not kill in Eden Manor

Thou shalt not betray, injure, or kill a brother of the Fallen

Thou shalt kill only the Chosen

Thou shalt not put any other above the Fallen

Thou shalt not kill another brother’s prey

Thou shalt only kill within the realms of one’s desire

Thou shalt practice self-restraint


The Fallen: Comprises Gabriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Barachiel, Jegudiel, Uriel, Michael. Seven men from Holy Innocents; later, Purgatory. Named by the Brethren after the archangels of the Catholic faith in hope that their holy names would inspire redemption. They became the Fallen in reference to their archangel names and their rebellious natures.

The Brethren: Sect born from the Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Exorcises boys of their innate evil, their thirst to kill, through invasive sexual and medieval torture techniques carried on from the Spanish Inquisition.

Holy Innocents Home for Children: Orphanage for boys near Boston. Named in tribute to the boys killed during Herod’s search for Jesus.

Purgatory: Secret home on the Holy Innocents grounds. Run by the secret Catholic sect the Brethren. Boys viewed as innately evil are brought there to be “exorcised” of their demons.

Eden Manor: The manor house on the outskirts of Boston inherited by Gabriel from his grandfather, billionaire/serial killer Jack Murphy. A secret location, protected by the government. Home to the Fallen.

The Tomb: Basement room in Eden where “Revelations” are conducted.

The Nave: Room where the Fallen gather for meals. Dinner each night is mandatory to strengthen the social bonds of the brotherhood. It is a way for Gabriel to assess his brothers and ensure they keep a grip on their humanity.

Revelation: Ritual of the Fallen. Ceremony where Gabriel tasks one of the Fallen with a “mission” to kill. The Fallen wear ceremonial robes.

The Fallen’s Oath: Taken in the Tomb. Each brother of the Fallen signs a contract in blood with the sacrificial quill, committing themselves to the life of a Fallen and to the Ten Commandments that must be adhered to. Performed by Gabriel. Breakable only by death.


Night Rain—Sumie

Young God—Halsey

Psychotic Kids—YUNGBLUD

Heathens—Twenty One Pilots

Losing My Religion (Cover)—Passenger


Bad Guy—Billie Eilish

Faded—Alan Walker

Killer—Phoebe Bridgers

This Fire—Richard Walters