Page 57 of Promise Me Love

‘Are you OK? You look…well, sad.’ There was genuine concern in Maggie’s voice as she came back into the room, and Beth tried to smile. ‘Of course. I was just going to make some coffee. Is that all right?’

‘Yes. Fine.’ Maggie put her hand on her arm. ‘Were you thinking about your baby just now?’

‘Yes. It’s just sometimes that it hurts so much, like when I see you holding Elizabeth and realise what I’ve lost.’

Maggie gave her a fierce hug. ‘I wish there was something I could say or do to help, but there isn’t, is there? I’m sure that David feels it too.’ She saw Beth’s expression and continued determinedly. ‘Look, I haven’t mentioned this before, but I know about David not being the baby’s father. Oh, I probably don’t know it all, just what David told Matthew the night of the party.’ She closed her eyes for a moment. ‘What a night that was! I was downstairs, trying to be the life and soul to keep everyone happy, worried sick about you, and David and Matthew were upstairs going at it hammer and tongs. I never want to go through anything like that again, but in a way it was worth it. It finally cleared the air, Beth, and that was something I’d been praying would happen for a very long time. I’m just so desperately sorry that it broke you and David up. Are you sure there is no way that you two will get back together again? He worries about you, you know. Every time he phones, he asks if I’ve seen you and how you are.’

Warmth flooded through her, but deliberately Beth hardened her heart. There was no point in deluding herself, as Maggie was so obviously doing. ‘I can’t imagine why he should even mention me, frankly. I fail to see why David is the least bit interested in what I do.’

‘The same as you aren’t interested in him?’ Maggie laughed lightly. ‘I suppose I could try and tell myself that it’s just my friendship that brings you here, Beth, but we both know that’s not so! It’s just a pity that the pair of you are so pig-headed. For heaven’s sake, Beth, why don’t you just admit that you’re in love with the man? At least that would be a step in the right direction!’

Beth stiffened. ‘And which direction would that be? Along the road to more heartache. No, thanks! I’ve had my share of that.’

‘Because of the baby’s father?’

Colour flamed in Beth’s face, but she held her head up proudly. ‘That is well in the past. I never think about him now, if you want the truth. I had a lucky escape and my only excuse is that I was both gullible and lonely when I met him.’

‘Then if it isn’t him you must mean David. You are in love with him, aren’t you, Beth? I can tell the signs, how you cling to every word when I speak about him although you try your hardest to hide the fact. Love can be a stinker when it goes wrong, but sometimes all it takes is a bit of courage. Why don’t you tell David how you feel? You might be surprised at his reaction.’

‘I doubt that very much! Oh, David did come round to see me and asked me to go back to him, but do you want to know why? Because he felt we could have a good life together. That was it, nothing more. I suppose I should be grateful he didn’t try to lie about how he felt, but it isn’t enough, Maggie. I want more than that!’

‘Maybe he would like to offer more but is frightened to make the first move. Do you know he phoned the other night, long-distance from Dallas, and guess what was the first thing he said: had I seen you?’

‘That…that means nothing. You’re just looking for a happy ending, but there isn’t going to be one. David doesn’t love me. If he loves anyone at all then it’s you!’ She expected Maggie to be annoyed at the accusation. What she hadn’t expected was that she would throw back her head and laugh.

‘Me? No way! Maybe he did imagine something of the sort a while back, but that’s not how he feels now. I think you should ask yourself a few little questions and the first one should be why it is that neither of you has started divorce proceedings. Seems strange to me!’

Maggie threw her ace flat on the proverbial table then promptly changed the subject, but it was impossible for Beth to brush the challenge aside as she would have liked to. When she left Maggie’s house, she started walking, letting her feet carry her where they would, yet when she found herself outside the front door to the flats where David lived she wasn’t surprised. This was where it had all started that day when he had first helped her; would this be where she would find the answers?