Page 47 of Promise Me Love

The fear grew and she shivered again, feeling cold to the very depths. He noticed at once, his eyes darkening in concern as he laid the back of his hand against her cheek. ‘You’re absolutely frozen. Let’s get inside. We can talk once you’re warm and dry.’

He helped her from the car and unlocked the front door, standing aside while Beth walked into the dark hall. Shrugging off her wet coat, she went to hang it on the hallstand then gasped in alarm as her foot skidded on a pool of water that had dripped on to the tiled floor.

‘Beth!’ His hands were firm and sure as he caught her and held her close. Beth gave a shaky little laugh, turning her startled face up to his, then felt all the laughter die as she saw the gleam in his eyes just a moment before his mouth captured hers in a searing kiss.

Joy flooded through her, filling her with strength. No matter what David told her it wouldn’t change the way she felt about him. She loved him with her heart, her soul, with every fibre of her being, and once he had finished his tale then she would tell him that. From here on in there would be no lies between them, no veils pulled over the truth.

When he moved his mouth from hers she let her head rest against his shoulder in a loving, trusting gesture, then started nervously as she caught sight of Maggie standing in the door to the sitting-room.

‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude, but I must say that I am glad to see that you’ve made up. I was worried about you both.’ She smiled, a faintly nervous smile for a woman who was usually so confident, making Beth realise that what she’d said had been the truth. Maggie had been worried, strangely so, but why? Why should it bother her so much that Beth and David had quarrelled so bitterly.

Beth glanced up at David, seeking an answer, then went cold when she saw the calculated expression on his face. She drew away from him abruptly, ice settling into her heart. She’d not noticed Maggie when she’d come in, but had he? Had he seen the other woman standing there and decided to deliberately allay her obvious fears with that kiss? He’d spoken of telling her the truth, but which was more important to him—the truth or this pretence about their marriage?

She didn’t want to believe it, but, once planted, the seeds of suspicion grew. She turned away abruptly and started up the stairs, wanting only to get away from this web of deceit.

‘Oh, before I forget, David, there was a phone call for you. The number is on the pad and the man who phoned said that it was urgent that you contact him.’

David nodded, turning towards the study. ‘Thanks, Maggie. I’ll phone him back right away. Is there any chance of you making Beth some tea? She’s soaked.’

‘Of course. Right away.’ Maggie hurried off, obviously relieved to have something to do. David waited until the kitchen door closed behind her then looked at Beth, who had stopped halfway up the stairs. ‘I’ll be up as soon as I’m through with making this call. We’ll talk then, Beth. All right?’

Beth nodded, avoiding his eyes as she hurried up the stairs. She should have told him not to bother, not to waste his time thinking up more lies, but it seemed too much effort. She went into the bedroom and stripped off her wet clothes, then dressed quickly in dry trousers and a fluffy pale blue sweater before sitting down in front of the mirror to dry her hair. For a moment she paused to study her reflection, staring intently at the familiar features. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was pretty enough. How did David see her?

She closed her eyes, trying to imagine what he saw, but it was impossible. All she could picture in her mind’s eye was the expression on his face as he’d watched Maggie across the hall. Was he merely playing her for a fool? Promising to tell her the truth, but planning on yet more lies? It seemed more than likely, but he wasn’t going to get away with it. She’d played the role of fool before with bitter consequences and there was no way she was going to play it again, no matter how much she might love him!

There was fire in her eyes when he came into the room, but he never noticed as he pulled fresh trousers and a sweater out of the wardrobe. Beth watched him in silence then put the hairbrush down. ‘Is there something wrong?’