Page 42 of Promise Me Love

What could she say? Maggie obviously felt deeply about what had gone on in the past and it struck a chord in Beth’s own conscience too. Should she have told Andrew about the baby? The thought lingered for the briefest moment before common sense reasserted itself. Andrew wouldn’t have wanted to know; his actions had made that very plain. He was no longer a part of her life and, if she was honest, she no longer missed him.

She touched Maggie’s hand, offering comfort as best she could. ‘You did what you felt was best at the time, Maggie. Don’t keep blaming yourself.’

‘I did.’ Maggie’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears, but she smiled bravely, running a finger down the baby’s cheek. ‘I couldn’t have done anything else, but I still feel guilty at times…as though I stole something precious from Matthew.’

‘I can understand that, but how does he feel about it?’

Maggie’s face softened. ‘He’s been marvellous. Oh, he was furious when he first found out, but he came to terms with it better than I could have hoped he would. We got married again and when I found out I was pregnant a second time he was over the moon. He never stopped fussing me the whole time I was carrying Elizabeth, in fact.’

‘He must have been delighted.’

‘Oh, he was, and of course it made it all far easier for me, having him there to lean on when I felt low. Of course when I was having Janey, David was marvellous. He saw me through all the bad times when I felt like giving up. He’s a good man, Beth, a strong man whom you can lean on in a time of crisis.’ She gave a soft little laugh. ‘But I don’t need to tell you of all people that.’

‘No.’ Beth glanced down at the cup of coffee, staring blankly at its shiny surface. David was a good man, a kind man, a man she could turn to. She’d found that out almost as soon as they’d met. Relying on him had been so easy and natural that it made her wonder what she would do in the future if she didn’t have his strength to lean on.

‘Well, enough of all this doom and gloom, Beth. What do you fancy to eat? You must be starving after missing dinner last night.’

Beth followed her lead, dragging her mind away from such disturbing thoughts. ‘I am rather hungry.’

‘Then how about scrambled eggs and toast? I’ll join you in fact, although I’ll forgo the toast.’ She ran a hand over one hip, a wry tilt to her mouth. ‘I still have a few pounds to lose.’

‘There is nothing wrong with you. You look fine to me the way you are, so never mind starving yourself.’ The deep voice made them both jump, Maggie smiling as she saw her husband standing in the doorway.

‘You, my love, are biased. You would think I was perfect if I was still a stone overweight.’

‘Probably. And I make no apologies for it.’ Matthew went and kissed her cheek, his eyes filled with tenderness, before he turned to Beth and smiled politely. ‘Good morning. How are you feeling today?’

Beth shifted uneasily, once more ill at ease under the dark scrutiny. She had the feeling that Matthew saw a lot that other people failed to see and it put her on edge. ‘Fine, thank you. I’m sorry about last night. I hope I didn’t spoil your dinner arrangements.’

His expression softened, became less distant. ‘Don’t give it a second thought. You need to take things easy at the moment until you’re back on your feet, but if you’re anything like Maggie then I expect that’s the last thing you’ve been doing!’

Maggie grinned. ‘What did I say? Isn’t he the original fuss-pot? I expect David is just the same.’

Matthew’s face darkened at the mention of his brother’s name. Abruptly he turned away to pour himself a cup of coffee. ‘Where’s Janey? Is she playing outside?’

Maggie seemed to hesitate, then spoke with a strange touch of defiance in her voice. ‘David has taken her to the park.’

Matthew stiffened, his hand holding the cup tightening so that Beth expected to see the china shatter with the force of it. Just for a moment bitter jealousy flashed across his face before he took a swallow of the coffee.

Beth stared at him in confusion, feeling chilled at what she’d witnessed. Why should it upset Matthew so much that David had taken his daughter out? It made no sense, especially in view of what Maggie had told her about how she’d relied on David while she’d been carrying the child.