Page 23 of Promise Me Love

‘David is a wealthy man, Beth. He is also one of the kindest, most generous people I’ve ever met. He would be horrified to think that you are skimping on things you need.’

Maggie’s voice drew her back to the present and thankfully Beth pushed the unsettling thoughts to the very back of her mind. ‘I know. But I want to maintain my independence for as long as I can.’

Maggie pressed the button for the third floor. ‘I can understand that, but take it from one who knows and don’t make the mistake of trying to be too independent. David needs to be involved with his child from the outset.’

There was a wealth of sadness in Maggie’s voice, but Beth scarcely heard it, overcome by guilt. Obviously David had still told no one, not even his family, the truth about the baby, so what was she supposed to do? Go along with the lie or confess? He hadn’t invited his brother or Maggie to the wedding. It had been a low-key affair with just a couple of David’s friends to act as witnesses although Beth knew that he telephoned his mother to tell her. Now it put her in an intolerable situation. She could either tell Maggie the truth to ease her conscience, and risk David’s anger, or continue with the deception.

‘Shall we sit by the window? There’s a good view across the roof-tops from there.’ Maggie led the way to a free table and sat down, the smile fading as she studied Beth for a moment. ‘Matthew’s mother told us about the wedding, Beth. I was sorry that we couldn’t be there, but you must know that I wish you both all the luck in the world.’

‘Thank you. I…I’m sorry you couldn’t be there too, Maggie, but…’ She trailed off, wondering what to say to cover the awkward little moment, but Maggie seemed to understand.

‘But things are still fraught between those two pig-headed men of ours. Oh, I understand how it is, Beth. Who better, in fact?’ She reached in her bag for a tissue and blew her nose, a suspicious trace of brightness in her green eyes. ‘One of these days I’m going to knock their silly heads together in the hope that it will knock some sense into them both!’

It sounded such an unlikely remedy that Beth laughed out loud. ‘If your Matthew is anything like David then I doubt even that would achieve anything! Still, if it’s any consolation David did say something about it being time to end this feud so maybe they will get around to it soon.’

‘Did he indeed? Well, that is encouraging.’

‘Yes. He seemed to think marrying me could help although I have no idea why.’ Beth waited, holding her breath to hear what Maggie might say, but all she did was smile a trifle sadly.

‘I think it will take more than that unfortunately. They need to talk to each other and finally straighten things out, but neither of them will take the first step. The old Kane stubbornness raising its ugly head as usual. They would hate me for saying it, but deep down they are so alike!’

‘What does Matthew do? Is he in business too?’

‘He’s a barrister. He runs the family law firm.’

‘Law? But David told me that he used to practise law. Did they work together?’ There was open curiosity in Beth’s voice at the unexpected revelation.

‘They did. It was expected of them that they would follow in their father’s footsteps, but David was never truly happy in that environment. When…when something happened that made it impossible for them to continue working together, he left and started his furniture-design business.’

‘I see. And this thing that happened, is that what caused this rift between them?’

‘Yes.’ Maggie smiled with a touch of apology. ‘Don’t ask me about it, Beth. It’s not something I can tell you about. You must ask David.’

She picked up the menu and reluctantly Beth let the subject drop, although it was impossible to dismiss it from her mind. It should have been enough that she had the security of a home and a job, a means of support for herself and the baby, but in her heart she knew it wasn’t. She wanted to know how David’s marrying her would ease a situation that had apparently existed for some time. Perhaps if she could understand that then she could start to share in his life more fully.