Page 20 of Promise Me Love

‘Leave me to worry about that. So…what do you say? Yes or no?’

‘I…’ She swallowed hard, her heart pounding so fast that she felt it would explode. What should she say? ‘Yes’ seemed like every sort of madness, yet…

She closed her eyes, trying desperately to think what to do. If circumstances had been different then this would never have been necessary, but Andrew was part of her past and now there was only David who seemed to care what became of her. How could she refuse his offer and yet continue living in the flat and working for him? She would have to leave and suddenly the thought of never seeing him again made it all crystal-clear.

‘Yes.’ It came out as a whisper and she repeated it, afraid that he might not have heard. ‘Yes!’

‘Good.’ He came and took her hands to draw her to her feet. ‘You won’t regret it, Beth.’

She tried to smile, but her mouth felt stiff as the shock of what she’d done hit her. ‘I hope not. But you must promise me one thing, David. That if you meet someone else you will tell me. I don’t ever want to ruin your happiness and have you regret what you’ve done.’

‘That won’t happen, but, if it will set your mind at rest, then yes.’ He kissed her gently on the cheek, his touch almost impersonal.

Beth closed her eyes, letting herself lean against him for a moment as she drew on his strength before she moved away. She hurried from the room, her eyes shadowed with doubts despite her acceptance. David had said that it would be up to her which direction the marriage took, but she must never lose sight of the reasons why he had asked her to marry him in the first place. If she hadn’t been alone and pregnant and he hadn’t seen it as a way to end the quarrel with his brother then it would never have taken place. She must never let herself start imagining that he had asked her because he cared.

* * *

The dress was exquisite. Pale creamy silk, it fell in soft folds to skim the fullness of her breasts and drape softly over the slight swell of her stomach.

Beth stared at herself in the long mirror, touching a hand to the silky strands of her hair which floated around her shoulders. David had asked her to wear her hair down and she had readily agreed, but now she wondered if it had been a mistake. She looked young and strangely innocent in this dress with her soft curls drifting around her face, but she knew she wasn’t that. She had lost her innocence and the child she was carrying was testimony to that. Her whole appearance was a sham just as this wedding was a sham. She must have been mad to agree to go through with it!

Panic rose inside her, hot and fierce, and she spun away from the mirror. She had to stop this now, had to find David and tell him that she couldn’t go through with the wedding before it was too late.

She half ran from the room, stumbling as the heel of one cream leather shoe caught on the hall rug. She slowed, listening to the silence as she wondered where David was, then saw him as she came level with the sitting-room door.

He was standing staring into the empty fire-grate with an expression on his face which made the words die on her lips. What was he thinking about? Beth had no idea yet she experienced a deep reluctance to intrude on his privacy.

He must have sensed her presence in the doorway because he turned suddenly, his gaze skimming her in one long, assessing look which made a frisson run down her spine.

‘You look lovely, Beth.’ There was no mistaking the genuine appreciation in his tone and she was woman enough to feel a rush of pleasure at the compliment although she wouldn’t let it deter her from what she had to say.

‘Thank you.’ She moved further into the room, glancing nervously around, wondering where to start, but he took the initiative from her.

‘Cold feet, Beth?’

There was cool amusement in his voice and she stiffened. ‘Yes, if you want the truth! Look, David, I know we’ve been through all this before, but I’m still not sure we are doing the right thing.’

‘It’s just bridal nerves, Beth. I imagine most women feel like that on their wedding day. It’s quite normal.’

‘But this isn’t a normal wedding!’ His attitude annoyed her intensely. ‘Stop trying to make this out to be something it isn’t, David!’