Page 14 of Promise Me Love

He left without another word and Beth turned back to the toast, knowing in her heart that he was right. Her emotions had been in such a muddle these past weeks, but somehow she had to decide once and for all what she really felt. She had loved Andrew so much that it seemed impossible that love could change so soon and yet…

She closed her eyes, trying to summon up a mental image of Andrew and recall the way he had made her feel when they were together, but for some reason his image wouldn’t take shape. When she closed her eyes all she could see was the face of a man with blond hair and eyes like steel…

* * *

She was tired. Spurred on by the strangely unsettling experience, Beth had finished her work then set about checking all the agencies she could find in the hope of finding somewhere to stay, but to no avail. The only room available in her price range had been on the sixth floor of a run-down building and common sense told her that she would never manage the steep flights of stairs in a few months’ time.

With a weary sigh she let herself into the flat and closed the door, wondering warily if David was home yet. She felt too tired to cope with another confrontation yet neither did she feel like smoothing things over with an apology. In her opinion he was as much to blame for their disagreement as she was!

The sudden sharp ring of the bell startled her and she spun round, feeling her head swirl with dizziness at the unguarded movement. Fighting against it, she opened the door then had to cling tightly to the frame for support as the room gave another alarming tilt.

‘Surprise, David! Ohhh!’

The woman was beautiful; Beth just had time to notice that one fact before concern crossed the woman’s face as she noticed the waxen pallor of Beth’s skin and the way she was clinging grimly to the woodwork.

‘Are you all right? You look dreadful. Let me help you.’ She slipped an arm round Beth’s waist as she stepped inside and helped her back to the sitting-room to settle her in a chair. ‘Stay right there. I’ll get you a glass of water.’

She hurried from the room, leaving a tantalising drift of some exotic perfume lingering in the air. Who was she? She obviously knew David and just as obviously knew her way round the flat, yet there had been surprise rather than animosity on her face when she’d seen Beth at the door.

‘Here you are. Can you manage to sit up? Better let me help you.’ The woman hurried back into the room and helped Beth up against the cushions before handing her the glass. Beth took a sip of the water, feeling the faintness receding. She set the glass down then ran a hand over her hair to smooth the wispy curls into place.

‘Feeling better? It’s rotten when you go dizzy like that. Has it happened to you before?’

Beth nodded, glancing unthinkingly down at the slight swell of her stomach where her waistband was unbuttoned, and heard the stranger gasp. Curious as to the reason for it, she looked at her in time to surprise an expression of shock on her face before she managed to collect herself and smile apologetically at Beth.

‘I’m sorry. You must think me terribly rude. It was just a surprise. I had no idea, you see.’

‘No idea about what?’ Beth tried to follow the strange shift in the conversation, but it was difficult when she was working at such a disadvantage.

‘About the baby, of course. When is it due? It must be a while yet.’ The woman sat down and crossed long, slender legs, smiling warmly at Beth. She really was exceptionally beautiful with her porcelain-fine skin, deep green eyes and thick, rich red hair which fell in glossy waves to her shoulders.

Beth studied her for a long moment, wondering if there wasn’t something familiar about her face, before forcing her attention back to the question that had been asked. ‘Some time in early April.’

‘You must be so excited.’ The woman laughed, her face lighting up. ‘I’ve not long ago had my second child, another girl, in fact. She’ll be four months old soon and I feel so lucky to have her. What are you hoping for, a boy or a girl?’

‘I…I haven’t really thought about it.’ Beth took a deep breath, realising that she had to say something before the situation became even more awkward. ‘Look, I’m very sorry, but I’m rather in the dark. Who are you?’