Page 7 of Promise Me Love

‘Beth! What are you doing here?’

There was no mistaking the surprise in his voice and Beth felt hot colour glow in her cheeks. It was obvious that he had never expected to see her again, so how was she going to extricate herself from this situation without embarrassing them both?

‘Hello, David. I was just passing and thought I’d call in on the off-chance that you were at home, but I can see that you’re on your way out so I won’t delay you.’

She gave him a brief, tight smile, then started back down the drive. It had seemed like her one last ray of hope, but now she could see how foolish it had been to come here and expect a stranger to solve her problems for her.

‘Wait!’ He came after her and caught her arm to swing her round. ‘What’s happened? You must have had a reason for coming, so tell me what it was, Beth.’

She shook her head, looking away from the intent stare. She’d been a fool to come, but she wouldn’t make herself an even bigger one by explaining why she had. How could she explain that it had been the memory of his kindness that day that had kept her going these past weeks as one problem after another presented itself?

‘Come on. Something has happened, hasn’t it, Beth?’ His voice was low, filled with such concern that she had to physically stop herself from pouring out the whole tale there and then.

‘No. Really. I…I shouldn’t have come.’

‘David…darling! Come on. We’re going to be late!’ There was undisguised impatience in the woman’s voice and Beth looked past him with an apologetic grimace.

‘I seem to be holding you up. I’m sorry.’

He cast a fleeting glance over his shoulder, arrogance in the tilt of his head. ‘Never mind about Janette. There is no way that you’re leaving here without telling me what’s wrong.’

Suddenly, irrationally, his attitude annoyed her, and Beth pulled her arm free. ‘I’ve already told you! It was just an impulse that made me call round, but now I’ve changed my mind. Don’t let me delay you any longer. It might not worry you that your friend is annoyed at having her evening spoiled, but it worries me that I am the cause of it!’

His mouth thinned as he stared coldly back at her. ‘I don’t want to spoil anyone’s evening, but let’s get this into perspective, shall we? Janette and I were going to the opera, a very pleasant and enjoyable way to spend a few hours, granted, but hardly a matter of urgency. It is immaterial whether we go tonight, tomorrow, or any damned night this week! It occurred to me that whatever had brought you here must be far more urgent, but if you prefer not to tell me then have it your own way. I’ll be seeing you, Beth…maybe.’

He turned to walk back to the car and Beth chewed her lip as she watched him go. If she left now then she could never come back again and she desperately needed to talk to someone.

‘David, I…’ She drew in a determined breath, fighting against the despair which had been her companion these past few days. ‘I need to talk to someone. That’s why I came.’

He stopped at once, his eyes like quicksilver as they skimmed over her strained face before he felt in the pocket of his dinner-jacket and handed her a key. ‘Let yourself into the flat. Remember which one it is…number twenty-two, second floor on the left? I shall have to make some arrangements for Janette, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Wait for me, Beth.’

Beth nodded obediently as she took the key. She avoided Janette’s hostile stare as she hurried into the building and let herself into the flat, then made her way to the kitchen. For long minutes she stood in the doorway remembering the last time she’d been there, when the pain of Andrew’s deception had been so sharp and fresh. Now it had faded to a dull, ever-present throb, superseded by events that had happened since. A few weeks ago she’d thought in her naïveté that she’d hit rock-bottom; now she knew that had only been a taster of what was to come. Reality was colder and starker than she’d imagined.

There was a sudden knock at the door and she hurried to answer it, surprised to find David standing outside so soon.