Fabulous. She turned her back to him, trying to keep it down. But the dinner crowd had yet to appear, and even in a whisper, it felt like her voice echoed through the place.

She listened to the same litany. Double her salary. Hand-picked team. Stock options. Benefits for her and her family.

That last bit tripped a switch in her brain. Benefits.

Watching Helen wrestle with just one small urgent care clinic visit had given her flashbacks, back to the days after Dad’s stroke. Forget the challenge of getting him back to health; they’d struggled for years to recover financially.

Her parents weren’t getting any younger. How would she pay for their care when the day came that they needed extra help? There was Medicare, but would that be enough? What if, God forbid, something catastrophic happened? It would bankrupt them. Talk about failing the family business.

She nestled the phone closer to her mouth and found herself asking, “Full coverage? If I came back, you’d give my parents coverage, too?”

But Dan had overheard. He spun in his seat. “Get out. You’re moving back?”

She shushed him, angling farther away. “Did you ever establish that pretax benefits plan?”

What a relief it would be, if she could feel like her parents were covered. Sorrow and Billy would be married soon, and she was sure the sheriff’s department would have them covered, but if she could establish a bigger nest egg for Mom and Dad, then if the day ever came when her folks needed something like in-home care, she’d be able to provide it.

“Because I so cannot see you living here,” Dan said with a smirk.

Tucking her head for more privacy, she told her old boss she’d consider it.

San Francisco wasn’t so far away, not really. She could go back, just for a little while. Sorrow could stay and run things at the lodge, and she’d have her high-powered job back, pulling in an easy six figures. She could scrimp, setting aside enough money to take the stress off her parents.

“There’s not even any decent sushi here,” Dan said, continuing his rant at her back.

She nodded, moving farther down the bar. “I’d need a guarantee in writing,” she told him in a low but stern voice. It felt good to be business Laura again—she was good at it. “A more ironclad contract. And no noncompete clause this time. ”

Maybe Eddie would even move with her. They could always come back to Sierra Falls when it was time to have kids.

They…she smiled at the thought.

“I knew it,” Dan exclaimed the moment she hung up.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve seen you screening your calls. Checking your texts. Lola’s back. The master negotiator. ”

Eddie walked in, and as she watched him approach, all her concerns fell away. Their eyes locked.

“I love this idea,” Dan said, then added in a conspiratorial whisper, “But forget San Francisco. You belong in LA. ” He held up a hand, and it hung in the air until she gave him an automatic but distracted high-five, her attention pinned only on the Jessup heading straight for her.

Eddie reached them, and all she wanted was to sink into his arms—if only he were holding her, she’d be able to sort out this confusion. If she could be with Eddie, she’d be home, wherever she was.

“Hey,” she told him quietly. “There you are. ”

“Here I am, darlin’. ” He gave her his Eddie smile, all ease and promise and comfort. “I came to take you to dinner. ”

“Just no sushi,” the producer chimed in. “Am I right, Lola?”

Eddie looked askance at the guy. “No worries there. ”

“Lola, tell Teddie here where they have the best sushi. ”

“It’s Eddie. ”

“San Francisco is where it’s at,” Dan yammered on. “They’ve got the best sushi, and now they’ll have our Lola back, too. ”

“Dammit, Dan. ” She paled,