“That color’s called nude,” she said weakly.

He smiled. “I like that even more. ”

She began to debate the whole hot-tub thing in favor of simply tearing Eddie’s clothes off then and there. But then he stepped away to deal with the tub, pulling off the cover, releasing a cloud of steam. When he leaned over the side to turn on the bubbles, she let her eyes linger—that man sure did have the best backside she’d ever seen.

He stood and caught the look on her face, and instead of giving her one of his trademark grins, his expression grew dark. “I’ll go grab towels,” he said, his voice hoarse.

When he returned, he strode toward her with such intent in his eyes. Suddenly shy, she merely hiked up her dress and sat on the edge. The sun had yet to set, but it’d dipped below the mountains, casting the scene in a gray light. Her shoulders were chilled, but the water was hot, bubbling over her feet, and her body gave a shiver of relief as she began to warm.

He studied her, sitting there with her dress tucked tightly around her thighs. “We can still turn back. ”

“I know. ” She knew he meant more than the hot tub. And she also knew, whatever happened that night, he wouldn’t hold her decision against her. But turning back was the last thing she wanted. She wanted to be fearless. She could let herself lose control.

“We could just sit and talk,” Eddie said, then added playfully, “I could be a gentleman and let you keep that dress on after all. ” He sat next to her on the edge, putting his back to the water and resting his feet on the tub steps. “Seriously, Laura, the stars will be out soon. I could bring you a blanket. ”

“Are you so surprised that I’d want to get in?” Just how cautious did people think she was?

“I suppose I didn’t take you for the skinny-dipping type. ”

“I’d have my bra and panties on,” she countered.

“We’d have to see about that. ” He sneaked a finger under her sleeve, hunting for her bra strap. “Where’d it go?”

“Eddie!” She flicked water at him but was secretly pleased.

He stood, a challenge in his eyes. “Well, if you’re not getting in, I am. ”

She watched avidly as he pulled off his shirt, but when he began to unzip his jeans, she said, “Hey, don’t you have a suit?”


bsp; “Not if you don’t. ” His hands froze on his zipper. “Why, you complaining?”

“Never. ”

He grinned at that, but still, he kept on his boxers, and she suspected it was to make her more comfortable. He hopped into the tub, and water whooshed over the sides, drenching the hem of her dress. “Come on in”—he playfully patted the surface, splashing her some more—“the water’s fine. ”

She hesitated. It was tempting. He was tempting. Adorably so.

He’d always been such an easy charmer, and it was a delight to finally embrace his flirtations. To let herself bask in them.

But still…to undress in front of him? Just like that, outside, in the daylight? She wondered if maybe she should wait for the sun to dip lower. She’d always been a little self-conscious when it came to her body—she knew in her head that it was a good one, but knowing and feeling were two different things.

His voice pulled her from her thoughts. “Still worried about what other people think, aren’t you?”

“No,” she said defensively. Though really, he’d hit the nail on the head.

“I promise, there’s nobody but you and me in these woods. ”

“I’m different now. I don’t care what people think. ”

“Is that so?” He grew quiet, studying her, and she read affectionate understanding on his face. “Look, let’s go inside, Laura. All I want is to be with you. ” He quickly added, “I don’t mean with you with you, though I’d love that, too…God, how I’d love that…” He gave her a flustered smile. “What I’m saying is, we can just hang out and watch a movie. Do the crossword. Whatever makes you happy. ”

She shot him a look. “You do the crossword?”

“No. ” He made himself look innocent. “But you strike me as someone who appreciates men who do. ”

She stared at him. It was finally hitting her that, yes, Eddie Jessup was the sort of guy who really would choose the crossword over a naked hot tub party, if he thought that was what she wanted.