Rob pecked at the keys. “Sorry. The PEX won’t be in till tomorrow. ”

“We all set?” Jack came up from behind and dumped some stuff onto the counter. “I’ll pull my truck around. Let’s load up the pipe. ”

He hung his head, rubbing the rim of his ball cap. “Can’t. ”

His brother gave him a flat look. “What do you mean, can’t?”

“Rob here ordered the PVC, not the PEX. ”

“It’ll be in first thing tomorrow,” Rob assured them.

“But we need it this afternoon. ” Jack caught sight of the bright yellow flyer pinned behind the register. “And what the hell is that?”


He smirked, clapping Jack on the shoulder. Laura was a challenge unlike any he’d ever encountered. “That, big brother, is Laura Bailey. ”

“Not cool, Eddie. If Fairview gets wind—”

“Chill out. ” He spotted a familiar car pull into the lot and broke into a grin. “I’m all over this. ”

Jack saw whom he’d spotted and said, “You’re in over your head with that one. ” Then he turned his attention back to Rob. “So tomorrow…for sure?”

Rob checked the screen one more time. “Yes, for sure that order will be in tomorrow, first thing. ”

“Well, today is shot. ” Jack checked the time on his cell. “I guess it’s paperwork for me this afternoon. Come on, I’ll drive you home. ”

“Nah, I’m cool. ” He watched Laura stride in, a baby-blue sundress fluttering around her gleaming, tanned legs. “Looks like my ride just got here. ” He gave her a big smile. “Isn’t that right, sugar?”

She got that look she got, the one that said she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to kiss him or kick him. “Isn’t what right?”

Jack laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Told you. Out of your league, brother. ”

“You’re gonna give me a ride. ” He gave her an affectionate wink. “By the way, that’s a real cute haircut. ”

That flummoxed her. “Thanks. ”

He couldn’t wait to run his fingers through those soft waves. “It’s lighter, too. ”

She touched it, looking a little self-conscious. “You’re not supposed to be able to tell. ”

“I notice everything about you, darlin’. ”

Her eyes darted from him to the other men, as though remembering she and Eddie weren’t the only ones in the room. She put her purse on the counter and proceeded to ignore him, exchanging pleasantries with Rob.

Jack shook his head, chuckling. “So, tomorrow…we’ll hit the site seven sharp?”

He touched a finger to his cap. “It’s a plan. ”

Laura cut her eyes his way. “Well…good-bye, Eddie. ”

“Don’t you worry. ” He leaned against the counter. “I’m not going anywhere. I told you, you’re my ride. ”

She frowned, looking unsure of her next move.

Rob was the first to fill the silence, asking Laura, “What did you say you needed?”

Eddie smiled, not taking his eyes from her. “She didn’t. ”