We…we. He liked the sound of that.

“I can’t hear a word you’re saying,” he lied. What color bra strap would be peeking out from under that little tank top? He patted the rock beside him. “You’ve gotta come closer, darlin’. ”

She scanned the distance between them, and suddenly she looked so lost and forlorn. He knew a pang of pity followed by a great stab of affection for the pain-in-the-butt city girl. He made a show of putting down his sandwich. “Best hope the bugs don’t eat this by the time I come fetch you. ”

She took a step back, on the defensive. “Bring your sandwich, I don’t care. We can talk by the house. ”

“Nah, it’s too pretty out here,” he said, making his way back to her. “Plus there’s door-to-door service. ” He scooped her up, and she slammed her hand—hard—into his chest. He laughed, rubbing where she’d hit him. “You’re strong. ”

“What are you doing?”

“Carrying you to the creek. ”

“Put me down. ”

He gave her a look like he might drop her if she dared him.

“No. Wait. ” She had a firm grip on his shoulders now, and he could feel how she didn’t want him to carry her, but she didn’t want to fall, either. “What about the poison oak?”

“I cleaned it up. ” He gave a little hoist to his arms, readjusting her. Damn, but she felt good.


“Of course. ” He shook his head—what did she take him for? “I tore out every last bit. ”

“Thank you,” she said reluctantly.

“I have an interest in the health and well-being of those legs of yours. ” He gave her his broadest smile, cutting her off before she could protest. “Besides, I can’t have you getting a rash every time you visit me. ”

She rolled her eyes. “Trust me. This is the last visit, if I can help it. ”

“Promises, promises. ”

She swatted him, and as she did, some girly scent wafted up to him. “Well?” she demanded.

“Well, what?” He

nestled her closer, stealing a look at her shoulder. The bra strap was lacy and light pink.

“Are you going to put me down?”

“Sure thing, sugar. ” He reached his goal and put her down. “Just be sure to mind the rattlesnakes. ”

She grabbed his arm with a squeal, and he laughed, fighting the urge to slide his arm around her and give that tanned shoulder a nip. He’d just bet Laura tasted as good as she smelled.

She shoved him. “You’re a jerk. ”

“I do my best. ” He sat down, plucking his sandwich from the rock. “I’ll trade you,” he said, offering her half.

“I’m not hungry. ”

“Come on. You give me a kiss, I’ll give you a bite. ”

She scowled at him. “I can’t believe you’re already hacking apart the roof. ”

“Though I can’t decide which I’d rather take. A kiss, or a bite…?”

“Be serious, Neanderthal. ”