“Sparks?” Laura’s voice came out a sharp squeak. She blotted her eyes, the tears gone as fast as they’d come. “Please tell me you’re referring to the ranch’s electrical system. ”

“You silly goose,” Ruby said. “Sparks between you two kids. ”

When he’d touched her, there sure had been sparks. Forget poison oak, the way his strong hands had moved surely along her thighs, she’d have overlooked a case of leprosy. She blushed, remembering it.

“See!” Pearl exclaimed. “I told you. ”

“You did. Sister, you always see. ”

“There are definitely no sparks between me and Eddie,” she lied.

“Eddie and me,” Ruby corrected.

“There’s a simple trick to remember the grammar. ”

“Me first is the worst,” Ruby explained. “Never put yourself first. ”

“In all things,” Pearl said, nodding. “Scripture says, ‘Let each of you look out for the interests of others. ’”

Her sister frowned. “Are you certain that’s how it goes?”

“Of course. It’s Philippians, dear. ”

Laura flopped back in the chair, waiting for the women to peter out.

“I know it’s Philippians,” Ruby said. “I think the quote is longer than that. ”

“Don’t tell me how to quote Scripture. ”

Their fire-and-brimstone preacher daddy had schooled them well, but Laura was anxious to get back on track. She put down her saucer, letting it clink louder than necessary on the table.

“I’m sorry, dear,” Ruby said.

Pearl shrugged. “I forgive you. ”

Her sister frowned. “I was talking to Laura. ”

Laura waved it off. “Either way, I promise you, there’s nothing between Eddie and me. ” But suddenly, a question niggled in the back of her head. She hated it, but she needed to know. She took a nonchalant sip of her tea. “I think he has a girlfriend, anyway. ”

“Eddie?” they exclaimed in unison.

Ruby shook her head. “Not our Eddie. ”

“We’d know,” Pearl agreed.

She nodded, though she doubted it. Eddie had probably had hundreds of girlfriends—if you could call them that—since junior high.

Pearl shook her head. “Our Eddie’s a good boy. ”

Sure he is.

“A good egg,” Ruby agreed.

A Neanderthal.

“See. ” Ruby nudged her sister as they studied her expression.

Pearl grinned. “She likes him, I think. ”