“We have no intention of burying your business,” he said, his tone annoyingly kind. “It’ll be good for the whole town. Fairview Properties contracted the Jessups. We buy our supplies from Tom’s hardware store. Soon we’ll hire local workers. Workers who’ll then go eat at your tavern. An influx of money all around. ”

She tapped a finger on her chin. “And hmm…let’s see. Who do you think the big winners are in this whole thing? Fairview, that’s who. Because apparently they can just go wherever they want and install their giant resorts, meanwhile mowing down whatever stands in their way. ” Mowing down her family’s lodge. “What’s next, another Trump Tower?”

“Easy, Laura. I’m not the bad guy here. ”

His soothing tone had the opposite effect on her—it always did—and she stabbed her finger into his chest. “How about we kick the Kidd sisters out of their house and turn it into a Holiday Inn?”

“Nobody was kicked out. You know full well how those dot-com people abandoned this place for a swanky Sausalito condo years ago. It’ll be good to fix it up. ” He took and held her finger, giving it a soft squeeze. “Look, Laura. I run a small business. We’re working hard to get by, just like the rest of the town. We’ve got to take our jobs as we get them. ” Eddie’s hand was callused, and warm, and aggravatingly gentle.

She pulled her finger free. “How about our business? The lodge will never be able to compete with this. ” She glared at the traditional ranch house. It was a rambling one-story affair, with several timber beams in need of patching, and electrical and plumbing systems that probably needed replacing. “It’s a dump, by the way. ”

“Nothing the Jessup boys can’t fix. ”

“I hope you get overrun by raccoons. ”

“Don’t get any ideas. ” He stood behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders, staring at the property with her. “Look, you see the size of the place. It’s smaller than a regular hotel. The Fairview guys want it to be a boutique spa resort. High-end, aimed at people who like to think they hike but wouldn’t know a day pack from a day planner. ” He gave her shoulders a squeeze. “But you guys, your lodge is authentic. Tourists will always love it. You’ll be fine. ”

She stiffened, stepping away before he had a chance to reach out and touch her again. The last time a man had told her you’ll be fine, she’d ended up losing her job. “Eternal Slumbers here could put us out of business, and you know it. ”

Eddie’s face fell. His expression looked like he was genuinely considering it, and she didn’t trust it for an instant. “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

“I want you to get back into that ridiculous vehicle of yours, and call Fairview, and send them back to wherever it is they came from. Then they can go menace some other small town instead, and you can slide back under whatever rock you crawled from. ”

Instead of rising to the bait, he smiled an

exasperating smile. “Not a fan of the pickup, are you?”

“You’re compensating. ”

His expression softened. “Look, Laura. I’m sorry. I really am. But if we hadn’t been the ones hired for the job, it would’ve been someone else. Probably some out-of-town development company. ”

“At least they would’ve needed a place to stay. ”

“Mm-hm. ” He checked his watch, looking distracted.

“Am I boring you?”

His eyes shot up, and he gave her that cocky grin she hated. “Never you. I’ve gotta run, though. ”

“Are the bars opening soon?”

“You know me better than that,” he said, sounding oddly serious.

“Well, what if I’m not done talking?”

“Then we can take it up later,” he said suggestively.

“You’re maddening. ” She stormed past him, back to her car. He probably had a mistress out there waiting for him. Some noontime booty call.

“You can’t really be angry,” he said, following her.

“Can’t I?” No matter how quickly she walked, his long strides kept up.

“I really believe this’ll be good for the town. More rooms can accommodate more visitors. More visitors means more diners—”

“Spare me. ” She hopped into a half jog, annoyed that he was following, and without so much as breaking a sweat. “I’m going to stop you. ”

He slowed, and if she didn’t know his type better, she’d have thought she heard actual sympathy in his voice. “Come on, Laura. Let’s discuss this. ”