More than ever, this godforsaken world confused him. And more than ever, there was one thing he knew: family.

It'd been robbed from him at a young age, but he knew its value now.

He had to find out the whole truth. He had to make sure. And until he did, he'd protect his brother by keeping his existence a secret.

He seized Marjorie's hands in his, and though she drew a sharp breath at the pressure, the grip she returned was just as firm. Marjorie was the only thing that made sense; Marjorie was the only thing that made his world real.

Steadfast and true, she'd been in his heart for as long as he could remember.

He'd make her his in truth. He'd make her family.

But first there was another truth he needed to discover and a secret he needed to guard, because would Marjorie still want him if it'd been his brother — another devil MacAlpin — who'd been responsible for stealing her beloved Davie?

“Did you do it?” she whispered, brow furrowed with her intensity.

“We can't, Ree. I'll not destroy the ship. ”

Chapter 32

“What did you say?” Marjorie pulled her hands from his.

“I said… Ree… “ Cormac raked a hand through his hair, fumbling for words.

She tamped down a surge of angry impatience. Now was not the time for the man to return to his silent ways. “Do you mean, we're going to destroy the Oliphant in a different way?”

“No,” he said, his voice flat. “We'll not be destroying anything. ”

“Help me understand, love. ” Surely he didn't mean what he'd just said. He'd made her a promise. “Is it that you've found a different way to save the men?”

He shook his head mutely.

“Just tell me what you mean. What are you planning to do?” Her heart began to pound in her ears. Cormac just stood there, grappling for words. She read the regret on his face, and it spoke volumes.

The truth of it hit her: he wasn't going to do anything.

“There are men still on board,” she said, incredulous. “Scotsmen, imprisoned. We'll save them, right? You must agree. ”

“I… I'm sorry, Ree. ” He reached for her hands.

“Sorry?” She pulled away from him, feeling numb, unreal. “Are you saying you'll do nothing?”

“Aye, Ree. I'm sorry. ”

Frustrated, she shot him a look. “Stop saying sorry. Tell the men in shackles, Cormac. Tell the men imprisoned on that boat, who'll never see Scotland or their families again, tell them you're sorry. ” He stood silently, buffeted by her angry words. It only piqued her anger more. That he didn't argue back meant he wasn't going to do anything to help.

“I thought we were of the same mind,” she said, edging away.

He stepped closer to her. “We are of the same mind. ”

“Then why?” She paced to the hearth, staring blindly at the fire burning in the grate. “Don't you have any explanation? More than no, Ree, sorry?” Her voice rose, anger, confusion, and betrayal all roiling inside her. He was completely closed off from her. “Has it become impossible? I'd understand, Cormac, just give me a reason. ”

“I think… I think we should investigate further… “

“Investigate? Investigate what? The Oliphant has a load of prisoners in her hull, their only crime that they're too poor to matter. They'll set sail any day. What more do you need to know? Just give me a reason why. ”

“I can't. I just… I no longer want to destroy it, Ree. That's all I can say. ” He came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

His touch was tentative, and she was too numb to move away. “You promised me,” she said bleakly. “I should've done it myself. I'll need to do it myself. ”