He latched onto her.

Oh sweet heavenly…

“Oh… “ Such rapturous warmth spread from his tongue to the very tips of her fingers and toes. He moaned, sounding pleased. Could he actually be enjoying it? “Cormac??


He slid a finger into her.

“Oh dear,” she muttered, dropping her head back.

He crooked it deeper, working her with fingers and tongue, and all notions of embarrassment fled her mind. She twined one hand in his hair and flung the other over her head, loose and languid, like butter melting in his touch.

She swiveled her hips, pitching herself closer to his mouth. “Ohhh. Oh my… “ Cormac's low chuckle reverberated through her core. He was enjoying it.

“That's good,” she murmured. The feeling of warmth grew intense, the sparks in her belly quickening to flame.

And the sensation grew more powerful still.

“Come back,” she pleaded, a little frightened she might lose control. His mouth felt miraculous, but she was ready to kiss him again. She gave a little tug to his hair to nudge him back over her. “Kiss me again. ” He unlatched to say in a ragged voice, “I am kissing you,” and then nestled even deeper in the crook of her thighs.

“Really,” she said, growing nervous. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but this was growing too intense.

“You can stop now. ”

The arm she'd splayed so languidly over her head tensed. She felt agitated, her body too hot, and it frightened her. The heat from his mouth seared her, flowing molten in her veins.

She realized she was panting for air. “It's too much,” she gasped. “Cormac, please. Cor… oh. ” Something deep inside her hitched, held taut, and she held her breath to match. Too much. It was too much, and she was afraid she might die of it. “Cormac, I can't… “

She gulped in a single breath, then stilled again, her whole body rigid. Marjorie shouted as her body seemed to explode. Her lungs loosened, and with it came a tremendous release, sweeping her into momentary oblivion. She trembled; she was shuddering, mindless rapture, a thousand shards of glittering crystal suspended in darkness.

She'd had no idea.

She became aware that he was laving kisses all along her inner thighs, stroking her legs, her belly, her breasts. He paused, and she felt his words blow across her damp skin. “I'm sorry, Ree. I couldn't stop. ” Sorry? She swallowed, trying to reacquaint herself with the use of her tongue. Oh yes, she'd asked him to stop.

What had she been thinking?

“Again, please,” she said weakly.

He laughed outright, climbing up her body, reveling in it as he went. He greeted her with a slow, deep kiss. Her own musk filled her senses, and she was startled at the new sparks crackling through her body in response.

His erection brushed against her hip, still hard and angry, and she grew serious. “But what of you?” Though it'd been made clear she didn't know exactly how matters proceeded between a man and a woman, Marjorie did know the male of the species derived some sort of physical release from the whole endeavor. “I thought we might… Can we still? Ohhh,” she cooed, realizing maybe there was more in store for her. Now that she'd recovered from her… coming, she was realizing her body was not quite done.

“Aye, we could still,” he conceded, repeating her implication. “But no, Ree. I'll not take that from you. You should be a maiden on your wedding day. ”

Wedding day. She'd have neither a wedding day nor a wedding night. This time with Cormac, this was what mattered. There was no other man for her. She knew that, certain above all things. This was her one opportunity to experience true passion, and she had to seize it. Seize him, while she had the chance.

Glaring, she sat up. “I told you. I'll not have a wedding day. I'll not wed, unless… “ Unless it's you I wed. She trailed off, leaving the words unspoken.

He either didn't catch or refused to acknowledge her implication.

She hoisted herself onto her elbows. This experience had changed her. In fact, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it had changed her whole understanding of the world. But the echoes of bliss had left her feeling hollow, as though only now did she realize how much he belonged inside her.

She still had needs, and she would see them satisfied. She just needed to make herself more clear.

“My life is full and rich,” she told him briskly. “I've decided to remain unmarried. So you see, it would be no problem for you to… for us to… “

“Why'd you never marry, Ree?” He tucked a damp tendril of hair behind her ear. “Why will you not?” The maddening man needed to get back to the topic at hand. She avoided his question, gesturing instead to his still-erect flesh. “Isn't that uncomfortable?”