“Och, woman, what are you—”

She kissed down the hard plane of his chest, down his belly, and he groaned in surrender.

His erection jutted between her breasts, and it set her legs to trembling. Bracing herself over him, she kissed lower and then paused, amazed to be so close. An urge struck her, and she thought surely she was the most corrupt of sinners, because she wanted to kiss him there. She leaned down to taste the very essence of his manhood.

“Not yet,” he growled, startling her. He grabbed her, swinging her up and onto her back. He crawled over her, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. With a low laugh, he ran his hands along her arms, spreading them up over her head. His eyes devoured her face, her breasts. “Look at you, like a wanton. ”

“Now, Cormac. ” Some primitive instinct told her relief was near, and she arched her back, eager to feel the hard length of him brush against her. Finally, his erection grazed her, so large and heavy at her cleft, and she gasped with the pleasure of it. But then he shifted away, and she moaned her displeasure. “Now, Cormac. Please. ”

“Easy, lass. ” He nipped at her neck, rained kisses down her throat, until he reached a breast. He brought a hand down to cup it, stroking and kissing her softly, teasing around the edges until she thought she might scream with want. “This is about you. All for you. ”

He took her nipple in his mouth, and ecstasy like none she'd ever imagined rocked through her. He moved to the other, sucking hard, until she felt the pleasure of it pulse all the way down to her womb. He pulled away. “I've dreamt of this, Ree. ” The feel of his breath on her damp breasts brought them to exquisitely tight peaks. “Dreamt of you. ”

She knew she should be pleased, but for now his words were meaningless. All she understood, all she knew, was this maddening want. “Then take me,” she said, her need for relief grown urgent.

She swiveled her hips higher, desperate to rub against him. Finally, he rested his weight between her thighs, and she thought she might weep with delight.

“Cormac,” she gasped. “I know what it is, between a man and a woman. I want us to… “ Reluctantly he pulled his mouth from her breast and brought his face level with hers. Cupping her cheek, he stroked her lower lip with his thumb. “What is it you want, Ree?”

“I want you. ”

He kissed the corner of her mouth. “And so you have me. ” He kissed the other corner. “But I told you. This is only about you. I'll not take your virginity” — she began to protest at once, and he silenced her with a finger to her lips — “but I will do something else for you. ”

A moment's disappointment skewered her, thinking he might not want to lie with her. But it was replaced just as quickly by titillated curiosity. “Do what for me, Cormac?”

Cradling her body between his legs, he knelt over her, making her feel as though she were an altar he bowed before. He stroked his hands down her torso, lingering over her breasts, and then caressed slowly downward until he reached the apex of her thighs.

He shifted, settling lower on the bed. Gently, he parted her legs, idly stroking his thumbs along the top edges of her inner thighs. “I'll make you come. ”

Chapter 22

Marjorie didn't quite understand. She didn't want to leave this bed. “Come where? Where are you going?” He merely chuckled, and then maddeningly, he rose from the bed. Where was the blasted man off to?

She looked him up and down and, like an eager pup, she couldn't stop looking. He stood so tall over the bed, and with his hard-cut body and the fine webbing of scars that shone in the flickering light, he looked so dangerous.

His manhood jutted ominously in the shadows, and her eyes went wide. She fisted her hands in the sheets as if that could slow down her careening heart.

And yet she wasn't afraid. Nervous, yes, that she wouldn't know what to do or how to act. But not afraid, never with him. She knew, better than she knew herself, that Cormac would never hurt her. She wondered how it could be possible that she always felt so safe with him, this man who claimed to bear such darkness in his soul.

She just wished she knew what he was about. “Where could you possibly-?

“Cormac!” she yelped, as he grabbed her knees and tugged her to the edge of the bed. “What are you doing?” He knelt before her, spreading her legs.

Her pulse throbbed in her neck, and she tried to swallow. What was he doing? What was she supposed to do? “I… I—

He went straight to her inner thighs, spreading hot, openmouthed kisses along her skin.

Her mouth went dry. He was so… close down there. Close to… down there. “What are you-?” His hand swept up her belly, straight for her breast, finding her nipple with his thumb.

“Ohh,” she moaned, “Oh my. ”

Against her better judgment, her body relaxed, until she found herself lying back on the bed. She shut her eyes and let herself enjoy the feel of his hands on her breasts and his mouth along her legs. Come where? she wondered distantly.

He shifted. There was a moment's chill on her thigh where his mouth had been. And then she felt his tongue lick her there.

“Cormac!” Her head shot up, but he ignored her. “Cor—”