“Och, calm yourself, Ree. We mustn't make assumptions,” he said steadily, even as he was coming to the same conclusion. “There might well be another reason Archie was there. ”

“What?” She scooted as far from him on the carriage bench as she could. “Another reason? I thought you despised Archie, and now all of a sudden you're standing up for him?”

“I'm not standing up f

or him. ” Cormac fought not to crack a smile at her vehemence. “I'm simply saying, perhaps we should find out all the facts before

“And to think he comes each week to work with the boys. He knows everything, about every one of them. Their health, their history. ” She stared out the window, worrying her hands in her skirts. “If Archie is involved in nefarious goings-on… “

“Nefarious, is it? How are you so certain it's as depraved as all that?” Sighing, Cormac sidled closer. Taking Marjorie's chin in his hand, he turned her to face him. “Don't forget. The slave trade is entirely legal.

Sanctioned by Parliament, forbye. ”

“So it is. But last I checked, parleying with smugglers and pirates is decidedly illegal. ” The last thought seemed to break her, and her chin began to quiver. “I think we have to tell my uncle. ” Tears pooled in those vivid blue eyes, her face a sweet ruin. Dear, innocent Ree.

He had to get this Davie back for her. He couldn't abide her tears. He knew, if pain shattered her heart for good, he'd not survive the sight. He needed to calm her, to remind her of their goal.

“Panic won't help us. Think on it. ” Putting his hands on her shoulders, Cormac swiveled Marjorie to face him.

“Aye, Archie could be involved. But there's naught we can do about it tonight. Our priority is to find Davie.

Spoiling our disguise to confide in your uncle Humphrey won't help matters. ” The carriage rolled to a stop outside their inn.

“Promise you won't jump to conclusions. We're close to finding the boy. If he's alive, and if he's in Scodand, I'll find him for you. ” He tenderly smudged the tears from her cheeks. “I will always help you; I swear it. But you must promise you'll trust me. ”

She was quiet for a moment, searching his eyes. He forced himself not to look away. Though it was Ree who was in need of solace, never had he felt so vulnerable.

“I trust you, Cormac,” she told him in the barest whisper.

And with those few words, a foreign sensation found purchase in his desolate heart. She needed him. Over all other men, Marjorie had chosen him. The feeling was heady.

All his years of warring, of scouting and killing in the shadows, could they actually be put to some good? Might he actually be able to find the boy, to help Marjorie?

Would it redeem him if he did?

He helped her down from the carriage, letting his hands rest overlong on her waist.

Marjorie looked up at him, a sort of distressed bewilderment replacing the ire wrinkling her brow. “I'd thought Davie's kidnap was mere chance. Bad luck. ”

“I told you to take your mind from it, Ree. ” He guided her inside. “We will find him. ”

“No, but Cormac, listen to me. If there is someone actually preying on the boys… “ She shivered. “And if it's Archie, I swear, I will stop him. I won't let this happen again. ”

“First we focus on Davie,” he said, ushering her up the inn stairs.

“But what of the other lads in the meantime? How can I keep them safe?” He gave a comforting squeeze to her shoulders, then quickly unlocked their door. “There's naught we can accomplish tonight. ”

“Archie will still come round to Saint Machar. He was supposed to be helping. ” Renewed indignation flushed her cheeks red. She tugged at her gown for breath. “The damned blackguard. I trusted him. ” She was growing riled again, and Cormac blamed it on that accursed foreign liquor. It had intoxicated her, rousing her with this wildly careening alarm.

By the time he settled them in their room, she was all swirling skirts and fisting hands. Her body quivered with fury, and she wriggled and plucked at her bodice. “But how in the world-?”

“You don't help Davie when your head is going in other directions. ” He needed to take her mind from it all.

“It's the drink, Ree. You must calm yourself. ”

“I can't calm myself. And it's not the drink. ” Reaching awkwardly behind her, she struggled with the ties of her gown, trying to loosen them. “Cormac, I can't seem to—”

“Hush, lass. ” He turned her away from him and slowly began to pick at the laces running up the back of her dress. “Catch your breath. ”