No penetration, Dr. Blake had said. It could induce an early labor.

She whimpered, hating how much she wanted what she couldn't have. Her body was so alive right then, and she wanted her husband inside her. But if she couldn't have that...

"Reece, please." Jenna wasn't even sure what she was asking for. More? Release? His body pressed hard against hers?

He didn't give her time to figure it out, though. Instead, he moved his mouth south, trailing gentle kisses over the mound of her pregnancy, his fingers following his lips, reducing every part of her that wasn't already on fire to ashes.

And then--oh, God, and then--he gently lifted her knees as he spread her legs, and before she could even release a startled little gasp, she felt the brush of his beard stubble on her overly sensitive skin. Then his tongue flicking over her clit. And then, oh, yes, his mouth closed fully over her and his fingers thrust inside her.

It was wild. Hot. And so damned overwhelming. She wanted to squirm away because it was just too much. She wanted to stay right there, because she wanted more. She wanted to break apart--and, yes, she wanted Reece to put her back together.

And then whatever she wanted was moot, because it was all upon her. Her breasts tightened, and her body stiffened, and starlight poured over her, breaking her open, lifting her up.

She reached for Reece, calling his name, and he took her hand. She squeezed, holding tight to the man she loved, letting him anchor her so she could find her way back after she exploded into the stars.

"Christ, you're incredible," he murmured as she came back down to earth.

A lazy smile flitted across her face. "Me? I was going to say the same thing about you."

The mattress shifted as he moved up beside her, then pushed a lock of hair off her face. "I love you," he said.

"I love you, too." She glanced down at his rock-hard erection now pressing against her hip. "I could get on my knees..."

A slow, teasing grin touched his lips. "You could. But you'd never get up again."

Couldn't argue with that...but even so...

"But I want--" she began, only to be silenced with a kiss.

"Roll over," he ordered, then helped her get settled on her side, hugging the body pillow she'd bought for support.

He pressed up behind her, his body warm against her back. "This is what I want. To fall asleep like this, my cock hard against your ass, and you in my arms."

"Yeah?" Sleep was dragging her under.

He kissed the back of her neck.

"Baby, right now there's nothing on this earth I want more."

Jenna woke to the smell of pancakes, cursed Reece for not waking her earlier so she could change, then decided not to bother. Their only guests were Brent, Elena, and Faith, after all. Considering Brent was the third leg of the Reece-Jenna-Brent friendship, he'd seen her at her best and her worst, and would hardly be shocked by either the messy state of her long red hair or her extremely ratty but completely comfortable terrycloth robe.

As for Elena, well, because she was Tyree's daughter, she'd been practically family from the day she walked through the doors at The Fix. And, Jenna knew, Brent had been attracted to her from that first day, too. Not hard to see why. With her lovely dark skin, wide eyes, and gorgeous cheekbones, Elena Johnson could be working as a model instead of studying to be an urban planner. But while her looks might have attracted Brent, it was her wit and intelligence that had reeled him in.

This was the first time she'd come over for weekend brunch, though. But being with Brent meant that Elena was part of the inner circle now. And Jenna couldn't have been more thrilled.

So surely she'd deal with the bathrobe.

And as for Faith...

"Aunt Jenna!" The six-year-old's squeals echoed through the house, and Jenna laughed as Faith pounded down the long hall from the kitchen to the bedroom, then stopped short before leaping into Jenna's arms.

"Daddy said I couldn't jump," she announced.

"Probably smart of Daddy. Wouldn't want us both to topple over backward. I know I'd never get up."

Faith laughed, then tentatively held out a hand. At Jenna's nod, she pressed it gingerly against Jenna's belly, then squeaked when she was rewarded with a sharp kick.

"She kicked me!" Faith skipped back toward the kitchen, delighted. "Daddy! Elena! She likes me!"