"Too many to go through," he teased.

"A random sampling then."

"G, PG, R, or NC-17?"

"You have G-rated fantasies?"

"Ah, those are some of the best. A lazy afternoon in a boat or by the lake. Of course, that one can turn PG--or R--if it's set at Hippie Hollow," he added, referring to Austin's nude beach on Lake Travis.

"Only up to R?"

"No sex in the park. Otherwise..." He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed. "But other than shifts from G to Not-G, I think my favorite G-rated fantasy is making dinner with you--just experimenting, you know? And then sharing a bottle of wine in front of the television, your head in my lap and my finger stroking your hair."

"Sounds nice. What movie?"


"Oh, but she leaves. We need one where they're together at the end."

"I'll speak to the producers."

She nodded, as if that settled that. "And what about after? Does it stay G?"

"Oh, no. It moves on to NC-17. But we don't want to lose our rating. So that," he said with a quick kiss to her nose, "is the sequel."

"I like."

"And your fantasies?"

"A lot like this," she said. "And sometimes there are toys involved."

His cock stiffened at the thought, his mind going through all sorts of possibilities. "I do like the way your mind works."

She laughed, and he wondered how he got so lucky to have this woman in his life, especially when--

He closed his eyes, wishing his head hadn't started going in that direction. "Eric?"

"Sorry. Mind wandering."

"Yeah?" She brushed his jawline with her fingertips. "Where to?"

"It's just-- I mean-- Oh, hell. Do you think we should talk about before? About you and Ben?"

She tugged her hand away. "Um, now? Because he's a great guy and all, but I really don't want him in bed with us. Do you?"

"I only--"

But her hand had slid down, and now she'd captured his cock. She stroked him, the movements firm and even and so goddamn erotic. Then she started to move down the bed, her body disappearing under the sheet.

And before her head disappeared, she met his eyes and said once more. "Do you?"

And the only answer he had was--No.

Chapter Four

"You're really not going to tell me where we're going?" Tiffany asked.

"Nope. Because then you might chicken out."