"I want you," she said, because she had to be honest, and that was as real as it got. "You promised me so much, but the only thing I really want is to feel you inside me."

His mouth curved up as his finger eased down, lower and lower, until he brushed her clit and she gasped, then sucked in air as his finger went even further inside her. "Is that how you want me inside you?"

Her hips moved of their own volition and she ground against him. Yes. No. I want everything."

"Oh, baby," he said. "So do I."

He dropped to his knees then, and as he held her steady with one hand, he teased and explored her pussy with his tongue, laving and stroking and working her clit as his finger stroked deep inside her, finding her most sensitive spots.

She shifted, moaned, and made noises she didn't even know she could make. And when his tongue hit exactly that spot, the only reason she didn't either fall to the floor or fly up to the heavens was that he was there to hold her tight.

"My turn," she said when she was herself again. And before he had a chance to ask, she fell to her knees.

"Oh, no, Angel," he said. Pulling her up. I like the idea, but on the bed. He led her on, and she straddled him, then took him into her mouth, tasting him and taking him all the way to the edge.

"On me," he said. "I have to be inside you, Megan. I'm about to lose it." And since she wanted it as much as he did, she straddled him, pausing only long enough for him to sheath himself before she eased down on him, then rose up again, riding him with the help of his hands on her hips.

He was so deep, and it felt so good, and she saw his coming orgasm in the fierce expression on that beautiful face. "Please," she begged. "I want to feel you explode."

He came then, his bucking body taking her close to the edge once more. And though she didn't think she'd go over again, when he teased her clit with one hand and teased the rim of her ass with the other, she completely shattered, abandoning reason to passion and losing herself to the onslaught of pleasure.

They clung to each other for hours after that, just breathing and enjoying the feel of skin on skin. Then he urged her up before dawn and took her to Cafe du Monde for coffee and beignets before they walked along the Mississippi as the sun rose.

They talked over everything and nothing. She told him about how she dreamed of one day having her own skincare and makeup line. He told her about the challenges of running a company.

At noon, they headed back to the jet, and she paused on the stairs. "Thank you," she said. "This is the best punishment ever." He laughed, and once they were inside the plane and belted in, she leaned against him. His arm went around her and she closed her eyes.

And she was asleep even before the jet left the ground.

Chapter Ten

"How's it going, ladies?" Tyree asked as he stepped into his office. Megan and Eva Anderson had commandeered his desk to look at various images from around Austin.

"Not bad," Eva said, leaning back against him as he slid his arms around her. A big bear of a man, his hug engulfed Eva, but it was clear she didn't mind. The photographer recently moved from Seattle to Austin after reconnecting with Tyree, the father of her grown daughter, Elena.

Secure in his arms, she tilted her head back and smiled broadly at him. "Take a peek," she said. "Tell us what you think."

He bent to kiss her forehead, then released her so that he could do as she suggested, joining them around the table to look at the stock Austin images that Eva was considering as backdrops for the calendar images for each contest winner.

"We'll go to the actual locations with all you winners, of course," Megan said. "And we're shooting the first six winners tomorrow. Right now, we're planning to shoot from the Loop 360 bridge with the river in the background, the Capitol grounds, Mount Bonnell, the stone cows at the Arboretum, Lake Travis, and someplace on campus. We're not sure where, though."

"All sounds good. And why don't you shoot from the South Mall? Put a guy on the steps and get the Tower in the background."

The women exchanged glances and nodded. "Perfect," Eva said.

"Which man's getting which location? Personally, I want the Capitol."

"All for all," Megan said. "That way we have more choices for the calendar."

Tyree chuckled. "Fair enough. And we're doing this all tomorrow? It's going to be a crazy day."

Megan didn't disagree, but she did tell him that Taylor had managed to borrow a van. "So at least we'll all be together and no one will get lost in traffic."

"We're doing each of the men inside The Fix, too," Eva told him. "And outside on the street with the facade behind them."

"I think you two have this well in hand." He smiled, his attention on Eva, who rose up on her toes and kissed him.

"Off you go, man," she said. "You're distracting me. But I'll see you at home tonight. You're working late?"