"It's nothing. Really. Just me being insecure."

Griff exhaled loudly. "Am I going to have to come punch Manning in the face. Because I have to be honest, I'd rather not. I mean, I've been working out, but I think he could take me."

She couldn't help it; she burst out laughing. "It's probably me being stupid. I just saw him with someone and it looked like--well, I think he was kissing her."

"And what did he say when you asked him what was going on?"

"Yeah, about that..."

He sighed. "Okay, listen. All I know about the guy is he swooped you off to New Orleans for what I can only assume were kinky shenanigans."

"They so were not!"

"But you came back in one p

iece and, honestly, you looked pretty pleased with yourself. And you've only had good things to say about the guy."

"Because he's a good guy."

"So there you go. I was just about to say that he seems like a good guy to me. And you've been telling me he's a good guy. So why are you suddenly robbing the poor man of the benefit of the doubt and wrapping him up in your weird girly shit?"

"Excuse me?"

"Honestly, Kiki does the same thing," he said, referring to his sister.

"This is not weird girly shit. He was kissing her."

"And you haven't asked him why," he said reasonably. To which she had no response.

"You know what? Forget it. I'm sorry I even called you."

He laughed. "No, you're not. You love me. Because even when I'm right, I don't say I told you so. And I promise not to say it tomorrow when you tell me I was right."

She rolled her eyes. "Hanging up now," she said.

"Love you, too," he called back. And then the line went dead.

"Asshole," she muttered, but she felt a million times better. So much so that when Parker finally did arrive and she buzzed him through the gate, she was actually smiling.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, swooping an arm around her and pulling her close so that he could kiss her very thoroughly. "That smells incredible."

"Spaghetti sauce. My mom's recipe. It's the only thing I do well in the kitchen, I warn you now."

"I think we can muddle through despite that defect in your character." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, the sensation of his fingertips brushing her skin making her shiver. "How much time do we have before dinner's ready?"

"As much as we want." Already her pulse was kicking up, from nothing more than proximity to this man. "I haven't put the pasta in yet."

"Then maybe I could suggest an appetizer?" He tilted his head so that he was looking up, toward the bedroom on the second floor.

"I--" She swallowed, then took a step back out of his arms. "Oh, crap, Parker. Why were you late?"

He gaped at her, clearly befuddled. "Since when does ten minutes count as late?"

"Since now," she said. "Dammit, Parker. I must really be falling for you."

Now he looked even more confused. "Normally, I'd say that was a good thing. Why do I feel like you're about to rip me a new one?

"Usually, I hold stuff in. But with you--oh, fuck. Who was she, Parker? Who was the skanky bitch you were kissing earlier today?"