And, thank God, he did, moving closer to slide his hand around to cup the nape of her neck. Then he tilted her head back so that when he bent down, his mouth fit perfectly over hers, and the intensity of the electrical connection that arced between them rocked her to her core.

They touched only at lips and hands, and yet it felt as if they were connected at every possible point.

"You taste so good," he said. "I don't ever want to stop kissing you."

"Then don't." She was fine with that plan. Forever kisses seemed perfectly reasonable under the circumstances.

But then his other hand joined the party, skimming down the skintight dress and finding her nipple, stiff under the stretchy black material. A new kind of shock shimmied through her, and she revised her position on kisses. They were fine as part of the meal, but she didn't want to stick to just one item.

"Come here," he said, then tugged her to the love seat. He nodded to the book on top of the stack. "Any tips for us in there?" he asked, his mouth curved into a tease.

She followed the direction of his gaze and saw that he was looking at Of Human Bondage. "Definitely not," she said. "It's a classic. Have you read it?"

"I'm more a graphic novel sort of guy," he said, lifting her up and settling her on his lap so that she straddled his hips, making it impossible for her to ignore the fact that he was clearly having at least as good a time as she was.

"Oh," she said.

"Yeah," he said, in a tone that suggested he thought her little sound of surprise was in response to his comment about graphic novels, when it was actually about his cock. "Do you read them?"

"Never have." Should she continue this conversation or tell him to shut up and kiss her again? Did he think she wanted to talk because she was nervous?

"Start with Watchmen," he said, and as he spoke, his fingers traced her collarbone and her shoulder, starting a fresh round of magic in her body and making her nipples harden painfully. "It's my favorite."

He bent forward and pressed his lips to her shoulder, right where it still burned from the heat of his finger.

"Okay," she agreed, melting beneath the heat of his mouth--then melting even more when he trailed his kisses down, finally closing his mouth over her breast, still covered by the thin material of the little black dress.

He teased her breast with his mouth. His tongue tracing the v-neck before his teeth grazed her nipple through the material. At the same time, his hand was still holding the base of the neck, ensuring that she arched back enough to give him access but not so much it felt as though she was falling.

His other hand was busy on her thigh, slowly inching higher and higher.

"Nolan," she gasped, the onslaught of his attentions making her wild. With both legs straddling him, the material of her dress had been pushed up to her hips. Now she was wide open and vulnerable. She didn't feel shy, though. On the contrary, she rocked her hips, wanting to feel his erection hard beneath her.

She was so incredibly wet, a fact he discovered as his finger explored the soft skin of her inner thigh, slick with the evidence of how very much she wanted him. "I like that," he said, with such raw honestly she felt her sex clench and wished that he was inside her.

"Please," she begged as he slid his finger under her panties then teased her core. "Please," she repeated as the fingers at the nape of her neck moved to her cleavage, stretching the material until a breast popped out, and Nolan's mouth closed over it like a man who was starving.

His teeth tightened on her nipple, and she arched back, crying out as two fingers thrust inside her core at the same time that he sucked on her breast, sending an arc of electricity racing between her sex and her tit and taking her so close to an orgasm she wanted to weep.

Shamelessly, she writhed against him, trying to finish herself, but he nipped at her earlobe and whispered, "None of that."

"Then fuck me. Please, Nolan, I want you inside me."

"Christ, baby, I thought you'd never ask."

He unfastened his jeans as she started to rise enough to get out of her panties. "No, leave them on. Just pull them aside. Trust me," he added in response to what must have been a look of confusion on her part.

"Condom?" she asked, relieved when he pulled out a wallet

and then sheathed himself.

"Fast or slow?" he asked with a playful grin.

"Both," she said, and then before he could take charge, she positioned herself over him, and in one hard thrust downward, impaled herself on him, crying out both because he was big, and also because she was wet and ready enough that it felt so ridiculously good.

"That was the fast," she said as he laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. "You'll have to help with the slow."

He understood what she meant, and he took her hips in his hands, helping keep a steady motion as she rose up and down, riding his cock as the intensity built and built between them.