
His eyes found hers immediately, and in that instant, she forgot how to breathe. Her chest tightened, and her skin prickled from the electricity arcing between them. And for one breathless, wonderful moment, she lost herself in the fantasy of his touch. His hands on her waist. His breath on her neck. His lips at her mouth.

Good grief, she really was drunk.

The thought slammed against her, and she took an involuntary step backward. And it was only when she stumbled on those damn four-inch heels that she realized he'd moved from his place at the bar to right in front of her. He reached out, one hand taking her elbow and the other sliding around her waist to keep her from falling. As if she hadn't fallen hard already.

"I've got you," he said, his rich, low voice as intimate as a caress.

Some tiny sober corner of her mind pointed out that Hannah had slipped back to the party. That Shelby was alone with Nolan. That Nolan was holding her close, probably feeling her heartbeat.

That this was her chance--and she'd damn sure never get another one.

She drew in a trembling breath as she gathered her courage, searching for the perfect words for this perfect moment.

"I'm sorry," she blurted, as intellect and moxie both failed her completely. "But you really need to let me go."

Chapter Four

Nolan leaned against the bar, a longneck in one hand and his eyes on his dark-haired paradox.

A regular at The Fix, he'd come tonight to wash away the bad taste that had been lingering on his tongue ever since Connor had briefed him on the news that Lauren was in town. The beer hadn't made a dent, but the girl ... wowza.

It wasn't every day that a woman captured Nolan's attention so completely.

And it really wasn't every day that a woman ran from him. On the contrary, ever since the station had put his face on a few billboards and Connor had set up the live streaming on his social media accounts, not a day went by that he wasn't propositioned.

Nice for his ego--except when it wasn't. Because Nolan knew damn well that those women only wanted a piece of his celebrity, however minor and local it might be.

That, and his cock.

Not this girl, though...

She, apparently, didn't want him at all. Despite spending much of the evening stealing glances at him and blushing a pretty shade of pink.

The girl was a paradox, that was for sure. And one he desperately wanted to solve.

"Earth to Nolan. You still with us, man?"

Nolan glanced over at Reece Walker, who'd sidled up beside him, a beer of his own in his hand. "You know that girl?" He nodded toward the dark-haired paradox. Considering Reece managed the bar, if anyone recognized her, it would probably be Reece.

Reece ran his hand over his shaved scalp as he studied the scene. "Sorry. Haven't seen her in here before." He tilted his head back, indicating the bartender. "You ask Cameron?"

Nolan nodded. "No luck there, either. He's seen a few of the girls once or twice, but not the one in the aqua glasses." He took a sip of beer, then swallowed. "That's okay," he added, shooting his friend a wry glance. "I have my ways."

Reece chuckled, but didn't comment. Nolan figured that was for the best. He'd known Reece most of his adult life, ever since Nolan's stepsister Amanda had shared a dorm room with Jenna Montgomery, one of Reece's best friends. And after so many years, Reece knew Nolan just a little too well.

"By the way," Reece asked, "did Jenna talk to you about doing some shout-outs for The Fix on your show?"

Nolan nodded. "Just in passing. We planned for her to come to the studio sometime this week to talk details and review some sound effects for the spots. But Amanda filled me in when I saw her at Mom and Huey's on Sunday."

Jenna had been in a rush when she'd explained that the bar was in a financial crisis and that they could really use his help getting the word out about some new promotions and events they had going on to try to increase revenue. He'd told her to count him in for whatever they needed, and they'd planned to talk more seriously at the KIKX studio.

Then, when Amanda had told him the details about what Jen wanted him to promote, he'd laughed so hard, he'd almost spit out the Scotch and soda his stepfather had made him as a pre-dinner cocktail.

"And you're sure it's cool?" Reece pressed. "With the station? With you? We could really use the publicity for the bar and the contest."

"Are you kidding? It's like an avalanche of comedy gold. Guys strutting shirtless across a stage to be in a calendar. Hell, yes, I'm in."