Something like Dallas. Naked.

Naked and inside me, actually.

He shifts on the lounge chair to refill his wine and grins at me. "I can read your thoughts."


"No?" He trails a finger from my collarbone over my breast and all the way down to my clit.

I whimper. "Well, maybe you are a little psychic."

He kisses me gently, but though I expect it to build to more, he pulls back and asks me, "Are you worried about tomorrow?"

I think about it. "Not really. Even if I do lose the movie, I'll still have the book. I talked to my agent, and she says she's not concerned on that front at all. Code Name: Deliverance is moving forward."

"Is it?"

I make a face. "Yeah, well, I may end up changing my theme a bit." The premise of the book is the damage done by vigilante groups. And while I still hold to that theory where some groups are concerned, I've changed my mind about Deliverance now that I know who the players are and I've seen it from the inside.

"If Bill ends up arresting me, you can turn it into a memoir."

I shoot him a hard look. "Don't even say that. I can't--Dallas, if something happened to you..."

He pulls me closer. "I know. God, baby, I know."

I hear the catch in his throat, and it suddenly hits me just how well he does know. Because something did happen to me.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," I say.

"Me? Oh, baby..." He cups my face, and I see something flicker in his eyes. "I want--"



My smile blooms bright. "You have me."

"I want more. I want--" He stands, and I frown at him, not sure what's going on. "I want us. I want everything."

"So do I. But we both know that everything is impossible for us. We're going to have to settle for what we can get."

"I'm not the kind of man who settles, Jane. You know that."

I do, but I can't imagine where he's going with this. I've done the research, and no state in America allows adopted siblings to marry. And most states--including our home state of New York--consider our sexual relationship to be criminal incest.

For that matter, I couldn't find any countries that would allow us to be together. I found a vague reference on the Internet that suggested that adopted siblings could marry in Sweden, but I haven't been able to confirm it.

And, honestly? I don't want to move to Scandinavia.

"Dad's going to be at Stark's office tomorrow," he says. "I'm going to talk to him about rescinding my adoption."

My eyes go wide. "Can you do that?"

"I've been doing research. It's not common, but there is precedent. But Dad will have to be on board."

"Dallas, I don't think he'll--"

He presses a fingertip to my mouth. "Don't say it. Tonight, just believe it will happen. Okay?"