I frown, not entirely sure how Bill got this address--probably my father--but absolutely certain I don't want to talk to him. I'm positive that the press about Dallas and me has both confused and hurt him, but I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Soon, but not yet. "I'm sorry. Tell him it's not a good time."

"He says it's important. That it's about Colin."


I start to ask what he means, but instead I tell the doorman to just send him up.

"What's going on?" I ask, the moment I open the door for him.

"You're not going to like it," he says. "Not any of it."

I cross my arms over my chest, feeling suddenly vulnerable. "Just say it."

"You know how we've been investigating your brother's kidnapping?" He stumbles slightly over the word "brother."

My throat is so dry I can barely speak. Somehow, I manage to say, "Yes."

"Well, first of all, we weren't the only ones investigating."

I look at him sharply. "What do you mean?"

"Someone else was trying to find Dallas's kidnapper, too."

"Who?" I walk to the couch, because my knees are so weak now I'm afraid I'll fall if I don't sit. It's Deliverance of course. It's Dallas and Liam and Quince and the rest of the team. I know that.

What I'm wondering is if Bill knows it as well. But he, thank goodness, is shaking his head. "No idea. I wish we did because--well, I'll get to that. The point is, we suspected someone else was poking around. We're certain now."

I don't want to ask. I'm positive the answer will be bad. But I have to know. "Why? Why are you sure now?"

He meets my eyes. "Because when we made the move to bring Colin in for questioning earlier today, someone else had gotten to him first."


I try to move, but I'm glued to the seat. I try to speak, but my hand is glued to my mouth. Seriously? They think Colin had something to do with the kidnapping?

Oh, god.

The room starts to turn gray, and I realize that I'm not breathing and that Bill is by my side, his hand on my back telling me to just inhale. To take it slow and breathe deep.

"Colin?" I say. "You're really telling me that Colin was behind the kidnapping? Are you sure?"

"It's looking bad for him. I'm sorry," he says. "God, Jane, I'm so sorry."

I swallow, trying to make sense of what he's saying.

"And he's gone?"

Bill nods.

"And--and someone took him."

"They did."

I stand. I have to move. I have to--oh, god. Oh, god.

"How long have you suspected him?"

He looks away. "A while."