I look away, because he knows it does. And I don't like that it does, because I'm too damn scared of the reality. I draw a breath and turn back. "Dallas, we shouldn't--"

I don't finish, though, because my phone rings, the sharp tone startling in the quiet bar. I blush as the people at nearby tables turn to look at us while I rummage through my purse for my phone, then feel my chest tighten when I see who the caller is.

"Daddy," I say, my eyes meeting Dallas's as I answer.

He sits back in his seat, any sensuality still lingering between us vanishing like cotton candy doused with cold water.

"I saw that you and Dallas were at the Balcony."

"Um, you did?"

"Your mother said it was some sort of celebration for your birthday?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it was."

"So you two are getting along better?"

I look at Dallas. "Yeah. We're getting along." I frown. "Daddy, what's on your mind?"

He sighs, and for a moment I'm afraid he's going to tell me that he knows I'm fucking my brother and that I'm no longer a Sykes and that tomorrow Dallas and I are going to be the feature story on Page Six.

It's not a pleasant feeling.

Then he says, "Bill came by. He knows about the kidnapping. He's going to pursue it."

Relief crashes over me. I'm not thrilled about Bill poking around the same places where Deliverance is poking, but this is a conversation I can have with my dad. The me-and-Dallas

conversation? Not so much.

"I know," I say. "He told me. He's pretty much dead set on it."

"So he said. And I ..."


"I'm just afraid it's going to be hard on you. On Dallas. I wonder if now is the time for you ..."

He trails off again, and I honestly have no idea where this conversation is going.


"Oh, hell. It's just that you and Dallas have kept your distance for so many years. And while I'm all for family reconciliations, I'm afraid that Bill's investigation is going to bring back a lot of memories. I'm afraid that it's going to hurt you. Hurt Dallas."

"Oh." I blink, holding back tears. The truth is that while my mom and I have a great relationship, my dad and I haven't ever talked that much. Especially not since the kidnapping. "Oh," I repeat. "We'll--we'll be okay, Daddy. I promise."

I hear him draw a breath as if he was starting to say something else, but changed his mind. For a moment, there's only silence. Finally, he says, "If you see Dallas, tell him what Bill is doing."

"He's right here with me. And he already knows."

"You're together?"


"I see."

My gut twists again. "Dad?"

"Sweetheart, I have to go. I love you," he says, and then hangs up before I can even respond.