"Dallas," I murmur, my voice whisper-soft. "The door--"

"Is closed." He fists his hand around the thin strap of my thong panties, then yanks them off, forcing me to swallow a gasp in order to keep our secret. "Do you think I want anyone else to see this?" He lifts the back of my skirt up all the way and tucks it into the waistband, completely exposing my ass. "Do you think I want to share such an incredible view?"

I close my eyes, overwhelmed by the rough passion in his voice. In front of us, the couple has shifted. Now she is on her back and he is on his knees beside the bed. He's removed his shirt, and her legs are over his shoulders. Her thighs are pressed to either side of his head, and her hips are writhing as he eats her out. No way can this guy hear a thing that we do. And the woman is too lost in the sound of her own moans to notice us at all.

"Does it turn you on to watch?" Dallas slides one hand between my legs as he asks the question. "I guess it does," he continues, slipping a finger inside me. "Fuck, you're wet."

"That's not from them," I protest. "It's from you."

He bites the edge of my ear. "Bullshit," he says, adding another finger and thrusting hard. "It's all of it. Watching them. Me touching you. Knowing that at any moment we might be discovered. I closed the door, Jane. But did I lock it?"

"Dallas ..." His name is a moan, because he's right. I'm completely and totally turned on by everything. Excitement. Fear. Danger. And, yes, I know that he locked the door--I trust him too much to believe otherwise--but that doesn't mean that the fantasy of getting caught doesn't excite me more than it should.

"Tell me," he demands. "Tell me how fucked up this is."

"You know it is."

"Tell me you like it."

My body shudders as he teases my clit. "You know I do." And so help me, it's true. Being like this with him sets me on fire. I don't know why--as a rule, I'm all about control, and right now I'm most definitely not in control of anything, myself included.

Maybe that should bother me, but it doesn't. Right now my mind is too sex-blurred to even try to think analytically. I only know need. I only understand want.

I only crave him.

"Dallas," I murmur, grateful that I have at least enough self-awareness left to keep my voice down. "Please."

"Jane." His voice beside my ear is an incantation, taking all of my senses to the next level. "Do you have any idea how much I've craved you tonight. How much I've wanted you?"

"Have you?" I retort, and though I'd meant for the words to be soft--a tease--I know that he has heard the hint of genuine uncertainty in my voice. I can feel the way his body tightens, and he hesitates, the gap in motion almost imperceptible. But not to me; I know him too well.

"Oh, baby. Don't you know that I have?"

"Dallas, I--"

"Shhh. Let me show you. Let me prove it to you. Let me make you explode." He slides his fingers back, stroking my perineum until he reaches my ass. His hand is slick with me, and I gasp as he slides his thumb deep inside me, then eases his fingers forward again until he slips his forefinger in my vagina, effectively finger-fucking me both ways.

I close my eyes, lost in pleasure, then reach out with my left hand and grab the wall to support myself as I push back against his hand, forcing him in harder. Deeper. Wanting everything he is willing to give, and then more.

"That's it, baby. God, that's so fucking hot."

In front of us, the couple has shifted again. He's fully naked on the bed now, and she's riding him. His cock is deep inside her, and as she grinds against him, I mimic her motions. My hips gyrating. My stomach tight. My back arched.

"All of it," Dallas whispers. He obviously understands exactly what I'm doing--including the fact that I'm imagining that his fingers are his cock. Something I want so desperately, but know that I can't have. Not now. Maybe not ever. I feel my cheeks heat, because that's not something I wanted to reveal, but he is unperturbed. "Touch yourself," he whispers as he closes his free hand over my breast, pinching my nipple so that threads of pleasure zing from my breast to my core. "Stroke your clit and ride me."

I don't hesitate. How can I when I belong so fully to him? When I will do whatever he demands because it is Dallas asking, and because I don't want this feeling to end.

My clit is hard and swollen and incredibly sensitive. But I'm so wet and slippery I can barely get enough friction. Even so the sensation is incredible, and as he thrusts his fingers deep inside me, I feel my body shudder. My muscles tighten to draw him in further, and my fingers play wildly over my clit, bringing me closer and closer.

He tweaks my nipple hard, then releases my breast and slides his hand down to press over mine. Now he is both guiding and following my actions, teasing my clit with me as his other hand fucks me so very, very thoroughly. He's hard, pressed close so that I can feel his erection against my hip.

I draw in a breath and pull my hand off my clit so that I can twine my fingers with his. Then I move his hand to his cock. "With me," I say, the words little more than a groan.

He understands, then strokes his cock with one hand while he fucks me with the other, and I take care of my clit myself.

It's wild and wicked and crazy and it feels so right and perfect to be in his arms. Even like this. Even hidden. Even watching other people fuck from this place in the shadows and--

"Come for me, baby," he says, thrusting hard and deep inside me. "Christ, sweetheart, come with me now." He is pressed up against me, and I feel his body tremble as he explodes, and that sensation pushes me over the cliff as well.