Finally, he drops to his knees, and I have only a moment to be curious before he very gently strokes the melting cone over my hot, throbbing sex. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming from the wonderful, incredible, near-painful experience of the ice cream against my clit. And then his hot mouth is taking the edge off and taking me to a different edge altogether.

I grab his hair and hold him in place. I want his mouth on me. I want his tongue inside me.

I am so incredibly turned on that I pull the neck of my tank top down so that I can use one hand to tug at my nipple while I hold Dallas's mouth against my clit with the other.

He is laving me. Eating me. He's licking and sucking and making such wet, wonderful noises. And I'm close, but I want to be closer. I grind against him, desperate for release.

And then, finally, he thrusts two fingers inside me, then three. And as he sucks on my clit and fucks me hard with his fingers, I splay my arms out against the building, tilt my head back to the sky, and completely break apart.

My legs go weak and I collapse into his arms. He kisses me, a sticky vanilla kiss that I don't ever want to end. I'm wrapped up in him, exhausted from the hour, aroused by the man, and absolutely satisfied.

The King of Fuck, I think, as I hold him tight. He damn sure is.

And he belongs to me.

"This is more than just fucking, isn't it?"

Dallas smiled as he remembered Jane's words that morning as she'd rolled over in bed to face him.

He'd known what she was asking. Are we trying to make something here? Is it possible? Can I even dare to hope that we can have something real?

They had some serious hurdles to face, god knew. And it would be hard. Just thinking about the issue of their parents made him cringe.

But none of that mattered, because there was only one answer that counted.

"Yes," he'd said. "Yes. It's a whole lot more."

They'd made love that morning--and as she'd reminded him, it didn't matter that he wasn't inside her, it was still making love--and then he'd made her breakfast. Thankfully Jane liked her privacy, and Ellen, her housekeeper, didn't live onsite, so he'd had time to run upstairs to get dressed when he heard the key in the front lock and the beep of Ellen disengaging the alarm system. The last thing they needed was for the help to start spreading rumors.

For a moment, he wondered what he would say to Archie, whom Dallas had always suspected knew of the attraction between the two Sykes children. That, however, was an issue he'd deal with later.

Right now, he was in his downtown office trying to catch up on both Sykes work and Deliverance work--and managing neither very efficiently since his thoughts kept returning to Jane.

He wished he was with her, and he hoped her taping was going well. He knew she was nervous--as far as he could tell, she'd tried on every single outfit she owned before settling on a simple but classic blue dress.

He'd offered to go with her, and though he could see the temptation in her eyes, she'd ultimately said no. "Colin said he wanted to come, too, and I told him what I'm telling you. I'd be too nervous with you right there."

He noted that neither Eli nor Lisa had offered to be there. Presumably because Eli--who had hired mercenaries--didn't agree with either Jane's or Bill's thesis any more than Dallas did.

"You don't need to be babysitting me, anyway," she continued, unaware of the turn his thoughts had taken. "You have work."

When he'd told her he could work from the townhouse and have dinner ready when she got back, she'd turned that offer down, too. "I have a surprise planned," she said with a grin. "But to do it, I have to have workmen in the house."

He lifted a brow. "A surprise? Involving workmen? Are you replacing your flatscreen TV and upgrading your game system?"

She cocked her head. "You're thinking along the right lines," she'd admitted, but refused to tell him anything more.

Finally, she'd told him to come back at nine, and not a minute before. Then she'd smacked him on the ass and told him it was her turn to give the orders.

Fair enough, but he'd have payback tonight.

The thought made him smile more.

"What the hell are you grinning about?" Liam quipped when Dallas answered the video call coming in over the secure channel on his laptop.

"Just having a good day," he said.

"Oh, really? I'm guessing that means you had a good night."