He bit back a curse. Jane wasn't a fucking pathology.

"Don't turn what I'm saying around," she soothed, obviously knowing the direction of his thoughts. "I'm acknowledging that it's difficult. That you need to ease away from her. You can incorporate fantasy for that, and I can help.

"You can tell me all sorts of dirty things," she continued, lowering her voice to a soft, sexy purr. "You can call me her name, you can spread out naked on your bed and I'll tell you what I'm doing--what she's doing. Do you want to know what I'm doing right now?"

"No." But the word was a whisper and Jane was in his head and his hand was around his cock, the towel having dropped away.

"I'm straddling you. And I'm so wet, and you're hard, as hard as rock. And I rise up on my knees right over your cock--she rises up on her knees. And then she starts to lower herself until her cunt just brushes against--"

He flinched, then tugged his hand free from his engorged cock. "Goddamn it, Adele." Rage rushed through him. At her, for pushing. At himself, for letting her. "You think I want that? You think I need that?"

"Yes," she said flatly. "I do."

"You're wrong."


But he didn't hear what else she had to say. He ended the call, feeling angry and dirty and totally fucking pissed off.

A knock sounded at his door.

"What?" he barked.

Liam stepped in as Dallas was twisting the towel back around his waist. It did little to hide his erection.

Liam raised his brow. "Interrupting?"

"Fuck you."

His friend's eyes dipped down to the towel. "Sorry. My type doesn't have a cock."

Dallas didn't even bother trying to find a snappy comeback. "What is it?"

"I only came to find out if the shower had pissed you off in some specific way, or if you've just taken to casually beating up bathroom hardware." He nodded at Dallas's bound hand. "You okay?"

"Actually, it's not one of my better days."

"You wanna tell me why?"

Dallas just looked at him.

"Don't even give me that," Liam said. "You and I both deal with shit like this Ortega clusterfuck on a daily basis. And, yes, this one's personal. But it's not the kind of thing you'd put your hand through a door about. For that matter, I can only think of one thing that would get you that worked up."

Dallas narrowed his eyes. "What's that?"

"You saw Jane. I'm right, aren't I? She didn't tell you all of this over the phone. She came by the house. She told you in person."

"So what if she did?"

"You could say better than me." Liam took a seat on the cot, as if they were just casually talking, while Dallas walked to his duffel to get dressed. "I don't know the whole story between you two," Liam continued, "but I know a lot. I've seen a lot. And I know you're both hurting. Ironic since you tell everyone that you're staying apart to make things easier. 'Cause that's bullshit, man. All you're doing is making it harder."

"Don't start playing shrink. I've had about all I can stand of that for one day. And

honestly, you don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"Maybe not." He shrugged. "I'm just saying that you're my best friend. If I lost you, I'd fight to get you back."

Dallas pulled a shirt over his head, then scowled at his friend. "What is it that you think you know? What is it you think happened? You think we had a fight? A difference of opinion over our kidnapping accommodations?"