Nick cleared his throat, his grip on the microphone and his champagne glass suddenly sweat slicked.

"Kipp is my oldest friend, and we all know he's always good for a laugh. But he's also the bravest person I've ever met." He smiled at his friend and his bride. "It takes courage to give your heart completely to another person and even more to make the promise to always be there for them. Being trusted with someone's heart is a big responsibility. It takes a lot to love someone with all you have. I admire you, man."

Lolly smiled tearily, and Kipp sniffled--the big softie.

"Lolly, you couldn't have entrusted your heart to a more deserving guy. I know he'll be brave enough to keep it safe and never break it. He's a helluva lot braver than I am, but maybe it's not too late for me to learn." His gaze locked on the woman in the peach dress at the rear of the room as he lifted his glass. "To loving with your whole heart. To Kipp and Lolly."

Their names echoed through the room, chairs scraping as guests rose to their feet for the toast. Nick accepted Kipp's back-slapping hug and Lolly's teary embrace before sinking into his chair.

As the guests settled themselves and the father of the bride stood to say a few words, Nick's gaze boomeranged to the back of the room, but Victoria was gone.

Her heels thunked against the wooden planks of the small gazebo thrust out over the water on a floating dock. It was nearing dusk, and the yacht club was quiet except for th

e activity in the ballroom inside.

She should be part of that activity, but she needed a second to pull herself together. After Nick's speech, she didn't know what to feel.

She rested her hands on the white painted railing, lifting her face to the salty breeze.


Of course, he'd come. She didn't take her eyes off the sunset, but she felt him behind her. He slipped off his jacket and tucked it around her shoulders, the familiar scent nearly buckling her knees.

"You always were good at pleading your case," she said, still facing the horizon.

"I never stopped loving you."

Her heart lurched and Victoria turned her face toward him. The setting sun gilded his familiar features.

"Even when I was an idiot," he went on, "I loved you. I told myself you'd moved on, were better off without me, but this weekend ... seeing you again like this, doesn't it feel like fate giving us a chance to fix what we screwed up? I want to prove I'm not gonna run this time. I'd marry you this second if you'd have me."

"Marriage isn't proof." She'd seen enough weddings to know it took a lot more than a ceremony to make a happily ever after.

It took commitment and faith and trust and love. The kind of love that accepted someone as they were and made them a constant presence in your heart. Could she love him like that? Could he love her?

"Victoria?" He caught a stray curl and tucked it gently behind her ear.

He was so intent. So focused. It was easy to fall for a man who could look at you like the rest of the world didn't even exist, but she needed more than that. She needed his word.

She turned to face him fully. "Swear to me that whatever happens between us, you will never cut off communication again. Not to me and not to Lorelei."

"I swear."

He didn't make promises he couldn't keep. Her breath grew short. "Don't make me regret this, Nick," she whispered.

"Never." He moved a hand to reach for her, but hesitation held him in check. "Does that mean ...?"

She caught his hand, lacing their fingers together. "You had an advantage. I never stopped loving you either. Even when I wished I could."

His heart in his amber eyes, he lifted his free hand to trace the curve of her cheek. "Is it okay if I try to kiss you now?"


He froze in the act of leaning toward her. She grinned and hooked a finger inside his vest, tugging him closer. Then she kissed him.

The familiar feel of his lips held the flavor of champagne and the hope for a thousand more kisses.

IT WAS, VICTORIA DECIDED, the best wedding she'd ever planned.