"You shut up," Rose said, pointing at him. "You kept my husband out until four o'clock this morning, and when he did return, he was singing an Irish drinking song and calling me his sweet macushla."

"It's a fine Irish term of endearment," Alejandro protested. "I love you, and you are my darling. So--"

"You're not Irish. You're from Guatemala." Rose rolled her eyes.


"Shut up, both of you. Our guest will think we have the manners of a great bunch of carnivorous leprechauns." Rose walked, slowly and heavily, over toward Donya, who rushed to greet her.

"Please sit and rest. When is the child due?"

"Two weeks, even though it feels like he or she is coming any minute."

"He or she? Would you like to know the baby's gender?" Donya's eyes sparkled.

What was it about women and babies? Even Djinn women, apparently.

"No, but thank you. With an entire family of witches, it has been harder to keep this surprise than it was to rescue Alejandro's partner from the basilisks." Rose smiled at her husband, and the sheer weight of the love in that smile hit Jake in the chest.

Not that he begrudged Rose her happiness. She deserved it more than anybody he knew, and Alejandro wasn't a bad guy, after all. The man would protect Rose and their baby with his life; they'd all seen that when their cousin Lily had nearly died.

It's just that Jake would have liked to feel that kind of soul-deep happiness for himself. His gaze went, almost involuntarily, to Donya. Maybe if ...


Time to quit chasing dreams.

"I'm Rose, by the way, and I apologize for the men in my family. They're idiots."

"Donya, and I think they're kind of cute, actually." The Djinn--former Djinn--flashed a smile at Jake, and his heart stuttered in his chest. But, cute?

Hell, no.

He scowled. "Panda bears are cute. Kittens are cute. I'd prefer hot. Or sexy, or--"

"Moronic?" Alejandro interrupted, an evil glint in his eye. "A lightweight? Sad? Lonely?"

"Stop. Right. Now," Rose said, glaring at both of them, but then her eyes widened, her mouth rounded to a perfect O, and she looked down.

Which made everybody else look down.

At the puddle of water on the floor in the spot directly between her legs.

Everybody started talking at once. Loudly.

"Is that--"

"Do you--"

"Can I--"

Rose whistled, also loudly, and the piercing noise silenced the room.

"Stop babbling and get my bag, right now. We have to go to the hospital. I think," she said, breathing hard and clutching her belly.

Donya grabbed Rose's arm. "Jake, Alejandro, get over here."

Alejandro stood there, staring at his wife. "What--what's happening?"