The corner of his mouth twitches.

"Ready to listen or do you want to pout some more?"

His only reply is the raise of his left eyebrow.

"I don't want to hook up with Wes. Or look at his yearbook pictures."

"Since when?"

"Since I realized what a jerk he is. Since I forced myself to accept that you were right and he's always been a jerk. Since he told me about what you did the night of prom. Since you kissed me."

"Lana," he begins.

"I prefer being called Banana thank you very much."

Finally, I get the grin. The famous Ford Campbell grin. My stomach takes a little dive because I'm seeing this familiar smile through such different eyes.

"How'd you find out about prom?" he asks.

"I think the question should be, why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I don't like when your feelings are hurt. I had overheard Wes and a bunch of the jocks in the bathroom during prom. They were making bets on all of the girls. Your name came up, and I knew how much you liked him."

He runs a hand through his slightly too-long hair. "Listen, Lan, I can accept you dating someone other than me. That's not what this is about. But if you're going to be with someone else, I want it to be someone amazing. Because you don't deserve any less than spectacular."

In his eyes, I see an earnestness that takes my breath away. He m

eans every word he's saying.


"Because I've liked you for a long time."

I reach for his hand but stop when I realize he's holding something. Turning his fist over and prying his fingers apart, I see that he has the red-and-blue friendship bracelet I made him a million years ago.

I freeze. Then my eyes flick up to meet his gaze.

"You kept this," I say.

"It's the first thing you ever gave me," he says as if this is the most obvious thing in the world.

My heart melts. Like actually dissolves inside my chest into a puddle of sparkly goo.

"Well, it won't be the last."

"It definitely won't," he says mysteriously.

I tilt my head in question.

"I accepted the job in DC. Looks like we're moving to the same city, Banana."

With that, I lean over and press my lips to his. Softly. I came home for a second chance and looks like I got one.

We continue to kiss for a long time, until finally we pull apart. "What?" Ford cocks his head even as his hands continue to roam along my skin.

"This is one hell of a homecoming."

Grinning, we go right back to enjoying our second chance. The first chance of many more to come.