What is wrong with him, I wonder.

"What's the big deal? You were like in love with me."

Yes, I was. And for the first time, that little fact makes me feel like vomiting. My cheeks burn, and I gulp a big breath.

I take a good, long look at Wesley Givens. In the back of my mind, I hear all of the things Ford said about him earlier. I remember how dismissive Kacey was with him. Am I the only one who didn't see how awful he is?

"You're right; I was in love with you." At my statement, his eyes light up, and his face contorts into a cocky expression.

"But you know what word is super important in that sentence?" I continue. "Was. I was a lot of things in high school. But the great thing about me is that I grew up. Maybe one day you'll be able to say the same thing about yourself."

I feel empowered. I feel strong.

"So does this mean we're not going to hook up?"

I don't even respond as I head for the door. I came to Cherrydale for a second chance. And I know just where to get it.

I MAKE MY WAY through the now-raging party, dodging sweaty dancers and binge-drinking minors until I find Kacey in the kitchen. I ask her to give me a ride to Ford's house.

"Sure, no problem." Then she steps back and takes me in, a knowing smile blossoming on her face. "Are you and Ford Campbell finally going to get together?"

I let out a nervous laugh because I have no idea what's about to happen. All I know for sure is that there is no one in the world I want to see more than Ford. "Um ..."

Kacey pulls her car keys out of her purse. "Didn't mean to pry. Come on." She starts walking toward the front of the house and I follow. "I know it's none of my business, but Ford was in love with you all through high school. When I saw you guys tonight, I assumed you'd finally gotten together. Then you went upstairs with Wes."

I groan as we get into her car. "Big mistake." We start the drive toward Ford's house, and I turn to face Kacey. "Ford was in love with me in high school?"

Kacey shifts in her seat at a stop sign. "You didn't know?"

I shake my head, dumbfounded.

"Seriously?" she asks as she pulls to a stop in front of Ford's house.

"I had no idea. I mean, I kinda got clued in tonight."

Kacey's eyebrow shoots up. "What happened tonight?"

I laugh as I push the door open. "Something I'm going to go finish right now. Thanks for the ride. Call you soon."

I run to the front door and knock lightly. No one answers, but I see Ford's car in the driveway. I try the door and luckily it's unlocked.

As familiar in this house as I am in my own, I walk through the foyer, across the living room and around to the back where Ford's room is. Peeking my head through the half-open doorway, I see that Ford is sitting in his usual place--in front of his computer. Only, I notice the computer's not on, and he's staring out the window. His hands are on his lap, curled into fists.

Those hands had been roaming under my shirt not so long ago. I tremble just thinking about it. Thinking about everything I've learned tonight.

Ford, my best friend in the whole world, has been protecting me for a very long time. And all of these years while I've been running toward one guy, the right one has been waiting in the background.

How could I have been so blind?

I take a step into the room, and the old floorboards give out a little creak. Ford's head whips around. A brief smile crosses his face. But it's replaced by a determined frown and furrowed brows.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"I ..." What? What am I supposed to say right now? I don't have to think too long though because Ford speaks up again.

"Shouldn't you be making out with Wes somewhere and reliving his glory days? Maybe looking through the yearbook at all of his pictures."

I let out a sigh and walk toward him. Back in high school, I often had to get his attention from his computer by jumping up and plopping my ass on his desk. I try the same thing now.